Proof that God does not exist

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BigSmoke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. lol dont worry, youre not the only one...

    somehow, im so hooked on some sci-fi shows... shows that people call "nerdy"... in which i, a non-nerd, find enormously interesting.. the shows actually have perceptions and views about what we speak here...

    tv show: reason to watch

    heroes: cuz its awesome. and cuz what would happen if people did have powers..
    battlestar galactica: grace park
    stargate: what happens if humans in the present time were able to travel interstellar
    star trek: a LOT of things. so much i cannot list.
    smallville: lana lang and supergirl
    star wars: the only reason, a lighsaber. LOL
  2. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    Dude Heroes and Smallville ROCK! Supergirl isn't that hot, tho.. Her face at certain angles makes her look like ET. And Lana, she was hot at the beggining but now that I've noticed the way she enunciates every singles letter in pretty much every word she says, it's abit annoying.. I think Cloe is hot.
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    That sounded remarkably like the effect of an Total Perspective Vortex... Adams' fan please laugh on cue :D

    So yeah, Total Perspective Vortex is this machinery which shows the "user" how infinitesimally small it is against the infinitesimally enormous the universe, life and everything is... And the effect? People get ridiculously depress after being put "in perspective" with the grandness of the universe... No joke, it's EXACTLY like that... We just need to see how negligible we are to understand how big and awesomely enormous the universe (and it's many many many creators and predecessors) is.

    Well, who's measuring anyways :p

    I wanted to see Eureka so bad... And 4400 in its entirety... If only I have time...

    Nerds are going to rule over Earth one day, so hold your laughter until then -devil

    My list:

    Doctor Who: Time And Relative Dimension In Space (TARDIS in short) is such a grand idea I cannot resist from embracing it
    Torchwood: Doctor Who
    Star Trek: Didn't follow enough of its franchise... but vulgan ears?
    Stargate: Sacrophagus and Orii and ASCENSION! How awesome is that?
    Battlestar Galactica: shows that there's no right or wrong, but a series of morally ambiguous choices which is neither right nor wrong.
  4. god will be answered through quantum physics and energy one day mwhahaha
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    And of course through my divine salt shaker.

    If only I am gutsy enough to pursue more physics... :( It's like an express ticket to "starve to death" route
  6. lol we're already talking about that!

    tell us where the first energy of the universe came from and you would have led us to God!
  7. lool i just noticed, let me pull out my calculator and get back in 50 years
  8. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    Oh yeh, I know how that feels cause that's how I sometimes feel when I'm trying to go as far back as I can logically when I think about the question, "What created the universe and before that?" untill it becomes repiticious. But most of the time I'm just amazed at how much we don't know and the possibilities of that questions answer.

    From your link about Total Perspective Vortex:

    I wonder what he meant by that exactly..

    If you ever have the time here are the links.

    Eureka both seasons.

    4400 all four seasons.

    And a bonus, the movie "I Am Legend" starring Will Smith. =] It's cam though so the quality should be eh. I havn't watched it yet so I'm not sure. Just found it and decided to share the wealth.
    #308 p3ps1c0la, Dec 16, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2007
  9. we could be a computer simulation from who knows a million years in the future and with the press of the delete button erased like we didn't exist...

    Just throwing an idea to think of things..
  10. talking about computer simulation, could you imagine playing a proper VR game like dragon ball z were you actually get to play as one of the characters (Goku for me, maybe bubbles for you guys) like in matrix. Now THAT would be awesome, actually i think it would be to great to be possible.
  11. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't you think that if there was a God it'd be totally incomprehensible to our minds? kinda like how people make computer games but the characters in computer games can never truly understand the existence of our reality because they are limited by what the programmers programmed? of course it would be in a much deeper level than computer game if we are talking about God. I just think that theres only soo much clues that God would be able to give us but in the end the final leap is all dependent on ourselves to believe or not...
  12. ^ that could be a possibility.

    totally off topic: but related to the sci-fi shows we were discussing earlier

    startrek xi is gonna be llaaaaammmmeeeeeeeeee i saw the uniform... its sooo lammeeeeeee.... and ugly..... shit man... people at paramount are failing.. hard..

    jj abrams is gay for wanting to do a TOS movie. without the original cast. gay. pure hard gay.
    #312 Dan, Dec 16, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2007
  13. if everything must have a creator then how is it possible that god have created himself without a higher being? i know you guys are going to pull bible verses on me but what are some of your theorys on this?
  14. lol the summary of my essay in one sentence... damn...
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, Zaphod was an idiot with half a brain (literally)... And his referring to the explanation (and the "no time to eat") was an example of how absolutely GRAND his need (which stemmed from his experiencing the Total Perspective Cortex) for the cake... The common assumption is that his need for the piece of cake was kind of like "wow, I am so totally minute in this wide universe (so) I need a cake" yet in order to explain this reason/need, he would need to explain how incredibly small human (him) is and how unbelievably enormous the universe is... It's going to take a long time = no time to eat the cake :D

    I love you for that...[​IMG]

    In fact, I think this is the most brilliant analogy ever. Because in fact the computer programmer did NOT create the game characters, (some other) computer programmer created the system, the environment, the COMPUTER; then the computer in turn created the game characters; the game characters may later create weapons of their choosing, or create a city with its own microsystem and all... But the question remains, where did the computer programmer(s) came from? Who created him/them?

    So in short, this is just an example/variation of dann's "where did the first energy came from" question...
  16. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    haha haard out... these things really fuck up your brain. But it's nice to have a good philisophically challenging thought once in awhile.. so the biggest question is can anything exist without being created?

    the only thing i can really think of is "nothing" but that still sorta proves that something can exist without being created,, it does give possibility ya?

    On a side note I dont think anyone has the right to say anybody else is going to go to hell. We're all in the same boat.
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, but 'nothing' is actually not 'something', literally. It's the absence of 'something'... so it doesn't count, but then this whole argument goes right out of the window to people who don't follow epistemology :D

    I am sure some people would beg to differ :p
  18. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Lol I guess so.. but even science needs some sort've begining essence to create it's theories on the creation of the universe right? so whether it's God or primordial energy or watever.. something had to be there..
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I didn't say no... I just said that "nothing" is in fact NOT part of "something", but rather the non-existence of "something" (or "anything" for that matter) :p

    I do agree that everything must come from "something" instead of "nothing", even God cannot create himself out of nothing (since the idea and thought of creating himself is ALREADY "something" instead of "nothing" :p)
  20. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Haha fuck that. I'm going to go listen to music