she probably thinks you're not sincere enough......or she's unsure of if things will work so reassure her.... ________ ROBERT MANZON
Give her the silent treatment for a couple of days to a week pretend that you're not really interested, this sometimes works. Also make sure that she sees you and pretend like you have that you don't care kind of attitude. She'll wonder why you are not talking to her and that will make her think more about you. If this doesn't work then your pretty much out of luck. Also, she might be thinking that you are to clingy, try to give her her personal space.
just hit her direct to the point lol... playing guessing and hide and seek kinda tiring u'll lose your flame of love soon
aw that's a good spirit I support you except just always keep in mind not to let your mind wander and start making things up so they fit your senerio keep things real in your heart and mind (just in case)
She only sees you as a friend right now. I have female friends like that too. You two are flirt buddies right now. Shes probably waiting for that big kiss! Give her what she wants.
you guys hugged a few times doesn't really mean anything.......u guys told eachother you love eachother on the's on the's very impersonal if u ask me......i dont think she's that serious if she puts her friends first then you
try what bigc and zippy said pretend to ignore her for a bit to see what she does online, dont message her, let her message you first. etc. but dont do it too long or else she might think for real that you dont like her anymore n yea maybe shes a little unsure of whether she really likes you or not this actually happened to me before, youre in my shoes =) go somewhere fun with her as friends, and as you take her home, tell her that you really like her and want to kno whats up
You two are just friends, flirting with each other...over the phone. A girl's friends are everything to her, why do you think they talk on their cellphones so much? see? She wants you to have a life of your own, aside from her. It seems to me that you want her attention really bad, and this is a no-no. Do your thing, and she'll come to you. Yes she likes you, but if you get needy and clingy she isn't going to like you. Don't let this girl define your life, let her be a part of your life.
^ listen to the (probably asian) dr. phil. i might add that it would be a good idea not to try to wedge yourself in ahead of all her friends. If you are too aggressive she might think that she has to determine whether to choose you or her friends to be with, and if she is as connected with her friends as you are saying, then you'll probably just get shunted to the side. just let the relationship evolve and don't get too excited.
im in a similar position as you are. we started of very strong and then for a few weeks now its been going up and down. but the only diff is that we kiss 3 times. we alwas talked on the phone and also on msn. and she enjoys it when i text her while she leaves so she van read them while she sleeps and then the enxt day shell try to text me back as much as i did. but now she like doesnt respond as fast and it akes forever. shes always talking with her frinds over me now as well. and her text messages arent as good as before and have been really little. i try to talk with her as well on the phone and she says she wants to take a nap. but like me i dont think i can give up since i have a lot of feeligns for her. so just keep trying like i am cause i cant really give up right now
The fact u and her kissed 3 times means she does like you. All that you need to do is clear things up....and that means telling her you like her and you want her to be ur girlfriend and asking how she feels about it. Chrsitmas is the perfect time for making your move cos most of her friends will probably have dates with boyfriends and she might feel more lonely and more open to ur approach. Oh. . I am also in a similar situation haha -clapclap The difference is, girl I like lives with me, and I find that it is much harder to chase a girl u live with, simply cos u see so much of each other. Anyways I wish the best of luck to everyone in these situations...
there are too many clingy guys on this forum. in this thread, i found four already. thankfully, there is still hope for this forum since there are still some guys who knows what to do and give good advices. take this guy's advice
maybe she sees u like her friend. but if she takes ages to reply, it doesn't mean she's talking to her friend for a long time. But does that always happen? Is her best friend a girl or boy. if it's a boy, it's reasonable for you to concern, but if it's a girl, i think you don't need to worry too much, because if you complain to her about that, her friend (girl) will think you are jealous of her lol - i guss you are not. but anyway i think she shows equal attention to you and her friends.
It looks ti me that she is not serious with you in keeping relationship.You should not waste your time for her.Move on and find a true beloved for you.