Might be a little late, but started picking up X-Mas gifts. For my little bro. My favourite person to buy gifts for. Cause he's so easily pleased lol. Although its not what he REALLY wants, but I can't be expected to buy him Rock Band with my current budget.......
lol nice gift for your bro why not buy some legos along with it? lol jp im planning to get a gift for my self.. hope my parent let me buy a 4gb or 8gb zune >.< cant get 80gb..
Really why? IMO its a good investment. Its better than carrying your laptop with you all day just to listen to music.
^ lol bullshit... you probably went to hallmark, paid 5 bucks for that card, and wrote the stuff in yourself.. hahaha
I see kdotc's baby pics!! lol. Yeah man, the wrap was expensive! $4.29 for the caesar, $1.99 for chicken or shrimp... wtf...
i was in luck today and found i gave it to my cousin...even thogh i coulda sell it more to a friend =(....y am i so niceee
yay got a zune im so dead if my dad finds out >.< lolz soz i used my phone to take the pic too lazy to put a memory card in the camera lol
lol that would mean your mom would get it shit tooo hahaha OH! now that knoc mentioned it, we should make a thread for all the photos of the toys that we get for christmas hahaha well, then if you didnt get any toys, then show what you bought yourself