The PSP screeb us small?? @@ Ifyour planning to watch lots of videos on your DAP, you're better off getting a PVP, rather then a MP3
^^Watching a movie on the psp is really nice. I would not recommend watching movies on a mp3 player, it seems to drain the battery completely.
heres the sansa e260 video test... worser than zune and the chinese brand... super blurry... small also.. video converted is about 800mb+.. 2x the chinese and zune..
^yup don't recommend cause i got it lol, the sound quality is ok but the fit is bad that's why there is soo much leakage, i have to use the largest padding and it still falls out. i think the marshmallow would be better, it looks better too lol, just 5 dollars more.
i think i'll pay $9 more for the microsoft premium v2 headphones at toys r us its $24 at this moment!!! must get!!!! munchy munchy munchy!!! lol but the rating on toys r us by someone.. gave it a 1.. outta 5 lol but on lots of site is 4/5 so yea.. worth it
^i don't think you should get those, just go with the sony md...whatever series or like the jvc marshmallows or the air flow ones or something....or something by sennheiser....or if you true audiophile go for the shure e...series or the v-moda i guess, heard good reviews on those...
sure... im not rich... i spend all my cash on a mp3.. only got $100 left atm.. and i trust microsoft headphone lots of ppl been giving good rating so.. i should trust it heheehehehehehehhehehe
My god, why do you need so many mp3 players? Lol. Is Sansa good? 'Cause a few of my friends have it and also my brother's friend. And I heard it breaks easily or something. Was gonna get one too. >.< And my friend got a Zune, it's huge. -_-
well.. to me the sansa still have good battery life, barely can scratch the back or front.. but i got a scratch somehow.. but after that 1 scratch.. no other scratch.. had it for more than 1 year.. so yea.. sansa e200s are pretty good.. theres lots of hacks for it i think.. like rockbox which is a firmware that allows you to play games, etc.
no clue.. haven't really tested it.. i already plug it in to my pc very often.. maybe 10+ hours.. its old.. so yea.. most of the mp3 player cant go over 20 hours i believe..
sansa could go 20 hours at start, but i used mine for a year and now it's like 15 unless you turn the sound close to max then it's like 10...