So what are some of your new years resolutions? <-- You shouldn't wait till new years to have new goals and motivation so this is just an example. this year i plan to better myself and other people around me by... 1. Working harder 2. Goal to Make a certain amount of money 3. Have that sexy ass body 4. Meet more people and make more friends 5. Quit MJwanna 6. Many many more... -bigclap So what are some of your new years resolutions? hopefully its something to truely apply and not forget within a month -dead
Hahah.. alright.. nice goals you got there Ang.. but where's the mentioning of expanding PA.. -whistle... 2008 New Years Resolution.... 20K Post!! -devil MWahahaHAhahahha!!!
1. Ace my LSATs 2. Get into law school. well, i guess these two are more of just life resolutions. 3. be less moody 4. stop buying heels that i will never wear. by the way ang, that really is one sexy ass body in that pic.
kwon sang woo -inlove - work harder - get better grades - take better care of my health - stop spending so much money - lose weight - procrastinate less - reach VIP status ^-^
hahaha.. once again bb.. you've misinterpreted the abbreviations.. Lemme help you out and re-arrange your list.. 1. Reach VIP status 2. take better care of your health 3. Lose weight 4. Work harder (maybe on losing weight) -lol and.. last two.. are unimportant.. hahaha
lol that is probably what'll happen .. -whistle but hey, I had seven things ... Ecko's new years resolution: -learn to count -tongue2
1. save money!! (less shopping) 2. take better care of myself (more sleep, more exercise) 3. work on my "career": pay raise (more working. less slacking)
heh .. I'm too innocent to be corrupted .. if that makes sense -tongue2 what's bad girl theme music??
haha O.J. ...... it's the mary jane. My New Years Res: procrastinate less. know more. get six pack. be rich haha
noo.. you're too innocent to be easily corrupted.. you see how that works? you know.. that old school song.. where they talk about bad girl?? something something.. hahah i duno the words..
lol you're so specific .. I was thinking "bad girl bad girl whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you" but I realized that was bad BOY -tongue2
^ haha aw BB so innocent, makes me feel so corrupted >.<
hahahah.. good.. this just proves how easy my work will be... -devil hahaha alright bb... next time you should search it up in google... hahahah ohh... i see the dark side already resides within you... Damn New Years Resolution.. I'm gonna try to draw more n work on my art!