Post up stupid pix of urself!!!!

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by mingming2006, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. Bleh... Cba to search for it
    Post it here la ;)
  2. ohh time for mui mui post up a pic with her n the shades... I mean we saw the top half of you already.. now time for the bottom half... mwhahahha

  3. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    @ evil mui.... after you... my motto is always lady first...hahaha
  4. Eckooooooooo!!!!!! -noclue
    Ding u aR!!

    Who says I'm a lady?
    Muahahaha -devil
  5. hahaha why Ding me!! >_<

    come on mui mui.. post up the rest of the pic so I can actually piece the top half together.. :D
  6. Ding u mei ding u lor
    Ng dut aR? =p

    Hmms...Dun see u postin ur pic up Mr ;)
  7. hahah.. lang mui gum choon!! post mai post....

    when I actually take one.. -tongue2
  8. LOL Choon lei ng hei aR XD

    Aww gwhy la go take one and post it la ;)
  9. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Awww...thought evil_mui finally got a pic up xD Come on put it up la, even I've put my pic up and that was my worst pic lol, bbear you too ^^
  10. ^ LOL Where sin? ^^
  11. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata


    Come on, post ur pic up... hahaha
  12. Where's urs sin? ;)
    OmgZ i just found a funny pic of myself -lol
    So damn embarressing XD
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    mui mui flaming pic on his profile :)
  14. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    i told ya.... mine is on the forum somewhere... now its your turn... -whistle
  15. Go find it for me then
    ~Too lazy aR -lol

    Why me eh???? Tell jeh jeh to ^^
  16. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    hahaa gum 5d post la!
  17. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    mui mui i tell ya where ham sup jai pix is for a trade of you post a pic :D
  18. How is that a fair trade?
    Has to be YOUR pic ^^
  19. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Stop being lazy :p

    Da lai lor pet... gum yai ar!!! -nono

    post urs and ull get mine.... fair?
  20. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    mm hai ar ma...yau hai da pet pet..-cry2