that would be fun, that u can't really judge, because u cannot taste them =] maybe just judge the look? lol
yea.. looks, variety, level of difficulty, plating, and creativity... there's a bunch of stuff we can judge it on...
I have always wanted to learn how to make egg it. Anyone know where I can get the recipe. Cooking contest....can't wait to see that happened.
ramen (after school.. i was well hungry!!) (i bought some fresh plain ramen.... ..and wet based fried it xD...with vegetables and soy sauce.. (only a lil).. hehehe
p.s... food technology lessons may become compulsary in all schools in UK... because itll teach the people about "healthy eating"... and "how to cook healthy food" lol xD ( i read it in a newspaper)... and my old school, we had cooking lessons haha.. i only did it in year 7 and 8.
my first attempt of making wontonnnnn =) it was so tastyyyy.... im so happppyyyyy satisfied -^_^
ah i angie the "mei nu chue sun" -bigclap send some over? fast mail only takes 3 days... oh oh.. wots the filling? pork? beef? chicken? seafood?
hmm... okie.. here goes... the cakes i've baked in the past... 5 months? all for birthdays... as u can see later.. i'm too cheap for pressies... so baking a cake saves me heaps hehehe My house chocolate cake... Berry cheesecake with heaps of berry cheese filling.. Layered chocolate coffee cake with mascarpone cheese filling... Tiramisu.. Guitar chocolate mudcake..
@Aishiteru...weren't you supposed to be studying for exams or sth? Haha...naughty naughty...spending time baking cakes instead. Lol. But those cakes look yum. Simply professional!!
sure~~ when's ur bday? i will make u one... ehhehe but i cant guarantee it will arrive to u in one piece.. -whistle oh shiet... got busted by drey.. :S :S :S err... err... have to take a rest once in a while rite rite? i have been laying off internet for such a long time... so.. have to take another form of study break... baking hehehe ahhh a japanese meal.. i see.... TEMPURA!!! yummy ~~~
1st of march.. you can send it now if you want tho waaah arr may :( when you gonna cook for me? looks so delicious!