Hi everybody! I'm going to asia again and this time I'm planning to visit Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Borneo, Philippines and Taiwan alone. So every advice about good and cheap hostel, diving, rockclimbing, kayaking, historic sight, what to do... or NOT to do would be nice =) Thanks! //Candy
i mite be in hk too...maybe next month....but thats if i can get a flight.... bloody planes are all booked cuz of new year and aussie ppl going back to the outback after chin new year.. gah
BB: Haha, you're so funny. Work part time as a stand up comic and then you'll have your ticket =D MissAC: Wei wei, let me know when you're in HK. Then we can meet in Lan Kwai Fong or some Karaoke =D Btw, there's a lots of tickets left from BA, KLM/AF and Cathay. Good luck =)
i prefer not to fly with BA...bad experience ...i personally prefer flying with some asian airline... cathay is pretty much full for my flight from hk to sydney (for the dates i checked)... i guess ima have to check with SQ or Chin Southern Airlines or whatever their called ... dont think i will go sing k/clubbing in hk though... im probably just going to hang with my mum, brother and relatives who live there hehe...
*hi5* angieee i hate BA tooo....!!!... yeh asian airlines cheap...but dangerous arent they....i prefer stick to big comps like cathy or emirates..^^ angieee when you go again..??...coz i could be going ove rto hk for easter wor...but we still sorting it....-what? candy....stand up comic...but im not funny...i'll just get hurled at..>.<
lol...china airlines and SQ are not cheap and pretty big ones too wo.... and its not abt price...when i went to aussi...BA was cheaper than cathay and SQ thats why i flew with em last time... i just reckon service, food and entertainment is much better with asian airlines
^ really...i was thinking of oasis and err quantas i think are the asianlines...not sure though... but over here they always known to be cheaper than the big ones wor..-huh i heard emirates good comp to fly with...to hk and aussie and stuf..^^
emirates...i dunno...i never flew with em...but it sounds middle easternish...me not sure if i wanna fly with em hahaha they not very popular in NL... mostly asians here in NL fly with...the ones ive mentioned before... or sometimes finnair
Wow, you two should work in travel agency. I never notice the difference as long they give me some snacks and good movies haha. But Thai is very nice too =) I'm always going with the cheapest =P
yeah...differences are in food and entertainment... BA has got bad food and bad entertainment... one thing i really hated with BA... u cant put movies on pause...thats annoying cuz sometimes when u dont feel like watchin anymore u cant pause it...=/ and yeah the fact that u are being forced to transfer in UK when i fly to aussie with em is truly a pain imo Cathay and SQ always have nice movies (english and asian), great music and the food is better too...my experience... staffmembers are nicer... when i fly to close destinations (inside EU) i fly with cheap airlines like easyjet, ryanair or transavia outside i prefer the well known big companies... candyshots...i hope ur not going to jakarta...theres really not much to do and see over there... i was there for 7 days the only thing is eating, shopping and visiting beauty shops and u havent mentioned any of those lol i tell u what u should do if u wanna do all that in ONE country...well maybe notso much the historic sight part.... go to Australia!!!!
^Aya, then I think KLM is the worst! Coz they don't even have a tv for every seat. Just a lousy one like 50 meters away from you wherever you're sitting haha. I was planning to make a stop in Jakarta a few days before going to Bali. But thanks for the advice. Have to plan my route more ingoing. So, what to do in HK more than eating? =)
oh another tip i got from my indonesian friend when i went there... always keep at least like 10 or 20 USD with u when ur entering th country the customs can be a pain...so when they are being a pain...put 10 dollars in ur passport and they'll be more "flexible" anyway...bali is supposed to be lots better than jakarta.. i heard more culture...but then again it is quite of a touristy place....dunno if u like those kinda places... all the ppl ive met in jakarta said i should have gone to bali.... i actually wanna go to bali too cuz one of my friends will be there for 6months... im havin a hard time makin up my mind where i should spend my leaves on lol...i only have like 20 leaves a year but hey when are u leavin to indo (bali) maybe she can give u some tips once shes there? jakarta in my opinion: too much of a business district, usually ppl dont really spend much time outdoors... especially chinese.... most of the natives dont like chinese ppl so be careful!! not much culture stuff... hk....lots of sightseeing.... check out this link http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/touring/index.jhtml shopping heaven if u wanna buy electronics and clothes but like i said...dont think ur much of a fan of that...hey btw in case u DO like shopping...or feel like it...go to shenzhen... its heaps more cheaper than HK and they sell the same stuff basically i reckon u shouldnt go there alone though...heard lotsa bad stories about shenzhen...
:( Never been to Taiwan. My friend keeps telling me how nice it is... Sometimes I think he just wants to rub it in my face lol.