Thanks. It's a lot of fun. A large chunk of my paycheck go into it every month but it's well worth it.
hahah yea.. i'm hella happy I managed to put all that back together after taking apart the old one.. now I feel like I can do it all.. -lol i think imma save up some cash and build my own PC next time.. 600ws.. holla! -cool2
^ hmm.. speaking of building one, i now have a dilemma of either building a super uber awesome rig, which wont be portable, or getting a gaming laptop, which would be damn expensive..
Build the desktop. You really can't do much to upgrade a laptop in the future. Go with a high end desktop PC instead. If you need something portable, just by an inexpensive notebook you can toss around.
lol dont get too cocky after just hooking up a power supply. building a computer from scratch is alot more complicated
The task can be quite daunting if it's your first time. After that, it's like piecing legos together.
the only problem ill have is the first boot up. nothing like a little googling wont help. lol anyways, you can say id like to show off my rig, and take it everywhere i go, but for obvious reasons.. lol
lol in my old computer i upgraded every single part except the processor and motherboard. those two parts are the most daunting because i don't understand how to boot for the first time and what needs to be done with the BIOS.
Installing the CPU isn't that bad once you do it the first time. Just remember not to touch the bottom and wear latex gloves when you put on the thermal compound. Don't forget to put on thermal compound and don't forget the gloves. The stuff tastes NASTY. After all the parts are in, pop in the Operating system disc and hit F5, F8 or F9 depending on your motherboard to select what drive to boot from. Select the Operating system disc and follow the on screen instructions. To be honest, my least favorite part is wiring up the power, reset switch and the LEDs.
lolz.. your just like my friend.. he upgraded his vid card+ram.. he has a 4gb ram, 8800gts 320mb, intel pentium 4 HT.. dell stock mobo, dell stock case, upgrade to 500w psu i think.. which he aint getting any good fps outta that comp with the junk processor.. well compare to my 2600xt.. its like the same.. lolz bad cpu+mobo i guess it makes your vid card can't get the best out of it >.< @ ecko nice job buying the 600w psu i found myself useful now!!!!! lolz jp... im too lazy to take pics of stuff i brought mainly..
ahahah yea.. very useful indeed.. which was why I had to go all out with the thanks button.. ya don't get many of those from Ecko... it was pretty frustrating at first to unplug everything and then place the new wires so its not all over the place.. they take up Quite a bit of room.. but it's pretty fun like oohh. I'm add a better nice looking more power equipment to the comp! lol I mean main components to get a case, motherboard, cpu, psu, some ram.. a vid. card, disc drive.. jus stick everything in place and you're pretty much set..? shouldn't be that hard right? what else is there to worry about?
A few times. -lol You're also going to need an optical drive to install your operating system but that's pretty much it. Take you're time, read the manual and have fun.
lol serious... what prompted you to try? "omg its liquidy and gooey... maybe it tastes like syrup or honey!" loll hahaha jsk ;D