Should i try and go for her?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by alnk, Jan 14, 2008.


Should I chase her back?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    Around 3 months ago...a girl whom i was with for around 5 months dumped me suddenly because she liked my friend. Then she chased him and now they are going out.
    I find that my feelings haven't changed for her, and my friend reckons that I should find a way to win her heart again. But i would feel guilty if i did...but i really really miss her and i dont think i can get over her >.<
    what you guys think?
    should i try and chase her back?
    #1 alnk, Jan 14, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2008
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i dunno, give me a pic or something. I need to see her face.
  3. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    you need a photo?
    nah i cant do that because that would be violating privacy.
    but if you're wondering, yeah she is pretty, but then again, this is opinion orientated.
    But being a good person i wouldn post a picture of her to be an eye candy for onlookers. -innocent
  4. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    na, i just wanna kno if she's pretty or not and asian or not.

    not asian = forget it. There's alot of them out there prostituting. U could get one of them easily as long as u have
    money. Dating them? forget it. they're mostly up for sex, not love nor romance.

    asian = yea, u gotta go for it bro. Dont regret the things u have a dilema wit and not do it.

    pretty asian = " " " " " "

    not so pretty (dont wanna say ugly) = not sure, let me think about it.
  5. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    LOOOL!!!! she's pretty and she's asian. Hong Kong girl haha xP
  6. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    hmm well if some guy left me for my friend, I wouldn't go chasing after him again
    I mean even if I really liked him, I wouldn't want to be with a guy who just started liking someone else and left me ..
    it doesn't seem like she was a good girlfriend, and probably won't be even if you get her back
    you never know if she's just gonna do the same thing again =\

    @turbobenx: aiya, you're so shallow!!!
  7. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    No point in trying to win her heart back cuz she wont be faithful to you. Move on and find yourself another one.
  8. lmao... turbo really have a grudge towards white pple for some reason... -lol

    yea.. don't go for it.. and end up looking like ya desperate... there's plenty of girls outhere...

    btw.. do you still talk to the 'friend'..?
  9. jli

    jli Well-Known Member

    hk girls are gold diggers, if you not rich, or not handsome enough. you lost the chance. screw hk girls man
  10. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    lemme guess.... you got your heartbroken by a hk girl?
  11. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol aiyah stereotypes
  12. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    xPP yeah i still talk to him and i still talk to my X.
    it was only the other night that she told me i was very important in her life....-sweat

    _ _" make me dono what to do but i'm sure she doesn like me...not as much as my friend atm...after all she did dump me for him...

    RE: xmichelly
    all my friends said the same thing. they all despise her now. and all grown a hatred towards her _ _"
    hahaha _ _"
    make me dono what to do. xP and i have thought abt it...if she does come back...maib she'll do the same thing...but the second time in the relationship is meant to be stronger...right? xD
  13. hahah you're toooo into that girl...

    just give it up seriously... the sooner you forget about her the sooner you can find someone else.. no point in wasting time on someone who's not into you...

    ya can't be soft in situations like these..
  14. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    haha gotchya~! xP
    but it's not as easy as it lookks TT_____TT
    as you said, and are correct, i'm too into her _ _"
  15. stawbewii

    stawbewii Well-Known Member

    to be sarcastic: build a bridge...and GET OVER it.

    to be honest: hmm..what would happen if u go for her? will she ever come back?

  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    man forget it...she dumps u to be with ur friend... whats the use in tryin to get her will make u look pathetic and desperate...girls dont like that...u might stand a better chance if u look hotter than before and hook up with chicks that are hotter than she is so she will see what shes missin out on...
    anyways i wouldnt wanna get back with a guy who dumps me to go out with my friend... not even if hed beg me...
    im sorry but its totally disrespectful from both ur friend and ur ex to do such thing
    id totally block em outta my life
  17. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    re: strawbewii
    i dono what i wou ld do if she came back.........

    re: missangiecheeks
    yeah so true...not like i dont have any other choices...currently getting chased by quite a few girls _ _"
    but i dont think i would throw them out of my life _ _"
    a friend is a friend.
    even if they treat me like shit, if i see them as friend they should be respected like a friend of mine.
    that's my morals in life ^____^
    but then life's pretty short so far xD
    #17 alnk, Jan 15, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2008
  18. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    a friend is a person who does not hook up with the girl ur dating and is loyal to u and cares about ur feeling...
    a true friend wouldnt let no girl come between u guys

    that person ur talkin about is not a friend to me
  19. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    originally he wouldn go out with her...but she came on to him...
    and he clearly started to like her
    so i told him to go for it _ _" and eh does care abt my feelings and she hasnt came inbetween us.
    she hasnt affected our friendship!
    and he is quite willing to just let her go back to me >.<!
  20. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    just block her outta ur life for a while
    and everything will be fine =)

    in the end, its only a girl :p
    theres plenty more out there!