Should i try and go for her?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by alnk, Jan 14, 2008.


Should I chase her back?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    22 vote(s)
  1. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ i jinxed me hahaha...nah break ar ma...kekeke...^.^

    well then he needs to put some of your tips into action.....instead of just sat there...
    its tough nows...but it'll get easier if you just keep yourself busy and not thinking about it 24/7
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    uc...thts why i dont understand why ur still friends with em...damn they sorta like ripped ur heart out and their still jumpin on it...
    -dead if this would happen to so be pissed! u sorta remind me of the way i used to be when i was 16....
    uncontrollable emotional mess....hahaha...

    yeah..wayyyy... back in da days..hahaha just kidding....

    trust me it all gets much better...:p once u see....the liiiiiiiight haha

    hahaha..okok...a break...short one right? or else ima call ya mama and she gonna hit u with "kei mow so" if ya know what i mean -sorc
  3. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    hahaha i dont think abt it 24/7
    and no i dont wanna dwell in self pity =.="
    i'm not that stupid.
    i might be dumb but i'm certainly smarter than thtat!
    after all =.= i do counsel pretty much all of my friends and random emo's who add me on xanga/myspace/bebo/facebook/msn
    i'm as experienced as any one can be on this matter at the age of 16.
    and i do see the light TT____TT
    i just cant touch it. =[
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    well...seems like ur not tryin hard enough to reach it..
    if u really want to u can do one point ur going to realize ur wastin ur time....thats wht i hope for u lol

    "i'm as experienced as any one can be on this matter at the age of 16."
    lol....ok? thats a bit hard to define nowadays with all the kids acting like their adult...
  5. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    hahahaha i know i'm wasting my time.
    and you're so true. everyone is trying to act liek adults.
    i wanna be just a kid *sniff*
    kids is so much cooler. why does eveyrone wanna be adults =.="
    once they hit 40 they wish they were kids again xDDDDD
    tsk tsk
    i wish i could be 23 forever. cuz that's the best age to be xP
    finished Uni, young, and is in the best and fittest stage of your life.
    hm....maybe i'm' not as experienced as i think then hahaha.
    it's good to leave room for improvement.
    we can never be the best. but we can try to become the next best. @@
    anyway back to topic....
    i did try hard enough!
    i forcefully suppressed all memories relating to and regarding to her....but they exploded once she started to talk to me again...and now i'm all over her again..... *sigh*
  6. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i believe whats she's trying to imply is for u to go after her instead lol. jks. man why do u keep changing ur avatar so frequently. u should create me one if u have so much free time.

    ye back to the point i think ur better off not going back for her. also i don't think ur friend is much of a friend seeing as he made a move on ur girl and as they are fine together, its very hard for u to win her back. save urself the embarassment and move on.
  7. dude.. ur weird..... all i have to say here =.=
  8. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    yeah i guess -sweat chances are she wont anyway =D

    reference to me ? =.="""""""""
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    imo....21 was the best....:p but hey who knows....maybe 23 is even better cant say cuz im not 23 yet

    On topic...
    not much more i can do or say to help u....u gotta get urself out of this shithole...all we can do is give u tips...
    u just gotta make a choice urself....move on...or live in the past u cant change

    whoa...u talkin to me?
    i just do what i feel like obviously...u dont even have one lol
  10. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    in what way am i weid?! TT______TT
  11. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    College suks. Dont go to college. College is a complete waste of time. I wasted like 2 1/2 years in college and wat i get out of it? a DEBT and loans. wasted my parents time and money. But now, i rise up again and im earning money, and having a great life. im earning the salary parallel to those who got masters. However, the only good thing in college is that i got plenty of time wit my girl. Afte jr that, i spend more time wit my job than wit her.

    anyways, some of yall r rite, there's more to life than girls. Y being brainwash by them when there's hot stuff out in the road, rite?
  12. cant you just tell her to get away from your life so she wont bugger you again so you wont think of her again?!?!?
    getting over someone isnt that easy yes i know, but keep whinin about it wont help either.
  13. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i know thats why u should create me one.
  14. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    stating the obvious is the beginning of wisdom. (in our current world anyway)
    nah i cant tell her to bugger off....not when she told my distinctly that i was important to her....
    like just a few days ago....
    it woudl be harsh.


    hahaha uni is to get me my cert. =]
    and true...overall, there are more girls on the planet at this stage than there are guys.
  15. aawww angie dont diss ur fan :p
  16. @ alnk
    ow ok
    and sure it was really hard for her also to dump you and go with your (best?) friend afterwards?
    nah she is all innocent and for sure your important for her and ofcourse she doesnt want to keep you on a leash
  17. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    love the sarcasm.
    leaves me speechless.
  18. its allright you'll survive the dots
    just dont do stupid things cause of the girl, else all the people on PA will miss you
  19. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    nah i wont do stupid things =D
    most stupid thing i would do is shed another tear for her...which isnot hapening.