Fearless's Awesome Adventure (in China)

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by fearless_fx, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol i have no idea what it cost man, i didnt pay for it, but the best way to do something like this would be to go with family or on a tour group.

    2000 pounds is alot of money though, you could probably do it on that amount of cash.
    #41 fearless_fx, Jan 13, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2008
  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    anyway, time for pic post part 3 of 4 :)


    more grottoes outside of zhengzhou... this english history of the grottoes was full of typos and seemed to be written by someone with a huge love of adjectives and modifiers.



    me looking pretty dorky


    entrance to the Shaolin Temple grounds


    shaolin pagoda gardens


    map of the gardens



    one of the shaolin temples




    shaolin performance



    2 spears to the neck








    hovercraft time :p


    on a sandbar in the yellow river



    henan museum


    the inside looks like a set from star wars lol


    jade body suit. people back in the day thought jade could preserve human bodies. i especially like the penis holder.



    ancient chinese seismic detector


    ancient chinese condom. Fearless sized.


    jade exhibit


    drivin at night


    playin with the low ISO settings on my camera :p




    hotel sofitel, first foreign (french) hotel in zhengzhou.

    was a nice 5 star establishment where people actually spoke english to me :)


    awesome lobby


    the western toilet. absolutely essential for a satisfying bowel movement.




    back in beijing after a quick flight from zhengzhou


    beijing skyline


    canada bio tech baby :p


    lobby of the 'prime hotel' where we stayed in beijing. was the nicest establishment we had stayed it so far.



    woo jissbon condoms :p
  3. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    was it under a microscope then -lol:p
  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    no way man :p i had to break out the wide angle lens for that sucker
  5. aww you went to 36 CHAMBERS!?!!?

    damn now I'm hella jealous... but yo.. for reals.. 2009 Imma get on that Great Beijing Wheel
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol its china, no one was listening to the rules and everyone was taking photos so i thought i would too :p
  7. shit.. shoulda just shot a video instead.. -lol

    the spear to throat thing is a bit too played out for me... but damn.. I wanna see their crazy ass moves.. what else did they do?
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol they didnt do that much really, it was just kinda a small show. they showed off lotsa weapon and free hand patterns and acrobatics.

    the best thing they did was where they had a balloon, and a pane of glass infront of it. Then one of the monks gathered his chi and threw a pin at the glass and it went through and popped the balloon.

    they showed off the glass afterwards and it had a tiny hole in it from where the pin went through. was pretty sweet.
  9. ooh sounds pretty coo...

    damn if I were you.. I woulda went up to their secret book room and stole some ancient secret kung fu manuscripts!!
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol thats ok, my name isn't naruto
  11. damn I guess no controlling of the chi and longevity for you then...

    hahah looking at your avy.. reminds me.. soul caliber 4 is gonna have vader exclusively for the ps3!!
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    longevity is over rated, i want to die young/middle aged in a ball of flame. who wants to go out as a frail old person wallowing in their own waste.

    hahaha and yeah. the Xbox 360 will have yoda :p
  13. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    well time for post 4/4


    famous peking duck restaurant in beijing




    two peking ducks and me... the ultimate menage a trois


    someone's laundry.. and dinner..


    lol was walking by and watched this sk8ter boi can himself. was fukin jokes, had to take a picture of his misery


    the ford S-max, one of those cool cars we don't get in north america


    beijing shopping district


    yeeehhh, full-filling my quest to eat chinese KFC. I wasn't really there for the food, although i was curious as to its taste. My main reason for going was to see the type of people who eat chinese KFC. I discovered that it was mostly teenagers and kids of what i suspected were probably wealthy parents. The pricing of the food was about 3/4 of what you would pay in a north american KFC, which makes eating there relatively expensive for a native chinese. I got the impression that eating KFC, or any north american branded fast food for that matter, had social connotations attached that indicated you were better off than most, and probably a member of the upper-(middle) class.


    some frakkin tiny pieces of chicken



    leaving beijing, heading to the airport


    sigh the adventure ends


    good bye beijing


    some excellent cans to keep me entertained on the way back


    back in Socal. i didn't really notice but there are actually no pick-up trucks in china lol

    and then it was time for a nice chinese meal, los angeles style

    shark fin

    and so it concluded.. back on a plane and back home the next day. it was a great adventure, but like all good things it had to end eventually....
  14. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Damn. Looks like you had a lot of fun! I wish I could go on a trip. :(

    BTW, how much did you pay for the Bose headphones? Do you still have the sales receipt for it?
  15. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol those were a friend's dad's headphones, i was just borrowing them. according to him they cost $200.

    my own bose headphones aren't noise canceling :(.
  16. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    gosh fearless, must have been one heck of trip
    havent gone outside of the california in 10 years, gosh im hoping i can go on something like this when i've graduated
  17. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Thank god. Don't buy Bose. :p

    If you're looking for a good pair of cans that can blow Bose clear out of the water for less here are some to consider.

    Sennheiser HD555
    Sennheiser HD595
    AudioTechnica ATH-A500
    AudioTechnica ATH-A700
    AudioTechnica ATH-A900
    Grado SR60
    Grado SR80
    Grado SR125
    Grado SR225
    Beyer Dynamic DT660

    All of them cost <$200. Choosing which one depends on your music preference.
  18. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    yeah it was alot of fun, and i learned alot in terms of what china is like currently in terms its socio-economic situation, and class structure.

    it was nice to travel to a country that is so completely different from north america, and it helped me put my life in perspective a bit better.

    u get lotsa good life skills too, like how to poop in a squatting position :p

    edit -

    hahaha and i know bose is kinda over-rated and over-priced, but imo they still have some great sound quality.
  19. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    You need to try the other headphones ;)
    After my pairs of Sennheisers, I would never touch Bose again.
  20. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    ^ lol are you talking about the same Sennheisers you put on Gaara's head?