no no no...not you silly... pffttt...yeh really do need one of them signs...!!!! they out stay their welcome aight....5hours...?!?!?!?!
yeh but to turn up unexpectedly as well....fair enough not seen them in a few months or so... but 5 hours....??!!??!!?....i was even fake yawning and nothin...oo wait i did...."mebe ya need to go to bed early" <_< whut was ubber annoying after turning my bedroom upside down looking for my phone....i didnt have time to clean it they came without telling us all i could do was close my room door and they said... they "accidentally" went to the wrong room on their way to the i thought fair enough.. but then they had too laugh and snigger at me for having a messy bedroom....pssshhhh.... whut do ya a student..during my exams plus NO PHONE..!!?!?!?!
I am glad to hear that you weren't reffering to me -bigclap Lol, they were planning to live with you???? 5 hours.... that's -sleep
LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO HAHAHAHHAAAAAHAHAH there was a false alarm and like 5 fire trucks came.....looks like the college gona cough up somem money
lol college not collage hahaha if it was collage, id wonder what kind of school kodak actually goes to
lmfao im almost in the exact same situation, except im taking less courses. calc is gonna murder me. im good with words, not numbers.
calc is easier than alg!! thats what i remember from all the maths i've done! lol then stats kinda rapes u more later on >.< and then theres logic =/ lolz
lol i did well at logic and stats. but i seriously don't like calc, there are too many theorems and formulas to memorize
HOW DO YOU DO ITTTTTTTTTT this sucks. i have one compsci course, 4 writing based courses, and one calc. calc is the only thing that is fucking me up right now. i find it boring, unmotivational, and just cant do it. i need tips guys. i need to know how to do better.. please... im desperate.. lol
give me 3 easy payments of 29.99 and il send you my patented calculus improvement method. Shown to be successful in one of one case and guaranteed to help you increase your average by atmost 5% or your money (not) back.