Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Dec 30, 2007.

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  1. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    i dunno it depends really...

    like if ive been woken up by something and feeling a bit cranky a walk makes ya feel better...^^
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahahaha...i usually just listen to music on the train/bus and after that i feel better :p
  3. basically they asked what do i feel about the shooting and do i think its safe but i never even heard about it till they asked me lol so i was put on the spot so i answered as quickly as i can just to get the hell outta there and hope they don't air it.

    third time i've been interviewed in some point in my life but this one is the most uncomfortable as it was dark, i wasn't in the mood for it and the camera made me blind with cold freezing canadian air blasting everywhere.

    i realize ur not supposed to look at the camera but i really wanted them to edit me out for doing it.
  4. Another Innocent Man Shot Dead On City Streets


    He was working in a small grocery store when they showed up outside. By the time they left, he was dead, hit in the chest by as many as two stray bullets that missed their original target but found someone else.
    The city is reeling for the second time in less than a week, after another innocent bystander is shot and killed on a busy Toronto street. It happened just after 6pm when two men confronted each other in what Chief Bill Blair calls a Wild West-style gunfight at Gerrad and Broadview.

    Bullets flew everywhere as the two men exchanged fire without any thought about the consequences. Some passersby dove for cover as the wild melee took place.

    At least six shots were exchanged overall but neither of the triggermen was hit. But a man believed to be in his 40s wasn't as lucky. He was working in the Fu Yao Supermarket at 643 Gerrard St. when he tried to run back into the store to avoid the carnage.
    He didn't make it.

    Emergency crews discovered the badly wounded man without vital signs on the sidewalk outside and rushed him to St. Michael's Hospital. Doctors worked frantically to try and revive him but his injuries were too great and he succumbed in the ER. His identity has yet to be released.

    One of the suspects sped off in a car after the shooting, while another fled northbound on foot. Police still don't know who they are or why they were shooting at each other in such a public place. But Blair vows to find them and make them pay for taking an innocent life.

    "The loss of another innocent life is senseless and reckless," he condemns. "Use of guns on our street is totally unacceptable and frankly, for every man and woman of my service who work so hard to keep our city safe, it's frustrating, it's infuriating and we're absolutely committed to getting those gunmen off the street and doing everything we can to keep our city safe."

    The evidence of the ferocity of the short but dangerous dispute is everywhere - bullet holes dot some windows and parked cars, mute testimony to the randomness of the gunfire. Cops were still on the scene the morning after, and a stretch of the busy roadway remains sealed off as the investigation continues.
    Those who live in the area are stunned by the violence and realize anyone could have been hit. "It's just like part of life," one man sighs. "Unfortunately, that's the way things are. Like it's kind of a hit and miss thing. Hopefully, it won't happen to me."

    This latest outrage follows the killing of another man in the wrong place at the wrong time on Saturday morning. Forty-two-year-old John O'Keefe, the father of a young boy, was gunned down as he left a pub near Yonge and Bloor, accidentally getting caught up in a dispute between two men and a bouncer at a strip club. Both have been arrested.

    *man i goto these stores regularly, luckily i wasn't around at 6pm yesterday as thats a prime time i would be out there phew*
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    haha must look funny... reporter: "so how do u feel about the shooting"
    ang thinks to himself *whut? whut shooting!?!?!*

    "errr....yeah....i still feel safe though?"

    -shock!! i thought toronto was a safe place...
    even today when i asked one of my colleagues (who just came back from toronto) what she thought of the city she was like its really safe and ppl are really nice

    uh ohhh...tdot is becoming dangerous too! =/
  6. omg angie u read my mind thats what i said haha now i feel like such an idiot after reading that article because i frequent those stores alot.

    we are still safe 110-150 a year or so compared to the 10,000+ americans get but the last 5 years has been horrible as most of our gun violence comes from the united states. There's been like a big increase because of gun control coming from the border and them americans bringing the violence over.
  7. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ehh...theres bound to be bad/good areas in every town...

    ang guess it be time to up sticks and move to a safer area...keke....
  8. i live right across a school i think its pretty safe from any stray bullets -tongue2 the shooting took place in china town and across china town is a bridge seperating where all the public housing ghetto people live i guess thats bad enough eh as this is the second death due to shooting almost near the same place within the last 4 months.

    -whistle gonna do my banking/shopping and get out as quick as i can from now on.
  9. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    and and when ya go out and about make sure ya waearing ya 'pai daan yee'...^^

    but yeh 2 deaths in 4 months sounds like a real place to be...

    or or or...people will be scared of the shootings and stuff ya should get ya self one of these
    and see whut ya can get out of the banks near by puhahahahaha

  10. lol oh god i think i'd take the risk
  11. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ya sure about'll come in handy when ya go on ya walks and get cornered by reporters as well


    hey they can do other colors if ya want.....
  12. hahaha maybe i need it now
  13. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Damn physics... and damn Cloverfield... I have a feeling I'm gonna be really pissed today....
  14. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    shit can happen in the best of cities.
  15. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Bad and good for me. Did SURPRISINGLY bad on my physics test... I have no idea wtf went wrong. However I got my English assignment back and aced it. :) Also got into a class for next semester, which I was on the waiting list for. :\
  16. damn.. shits rough down in your Chinatown..
  17. nothing like a good ol' beer and a pc mag to calm my fucking ass down.

    no more worrying about calc, about being ordered to do shit around the house during my day off, namely cutting wood for carpentry and other shit like that. and no more stress of any kind.

    beer + pc mag = my zen

    in other cases, beer + car mag, or beer + hot chick tends to work also.
  18. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    so insomnia..............
  19. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I'm questioning why I took programming again. I don't enjoy the class, and have little to no motivation to do the assignments. I just can't stare at a comp for 2 hours just looking at code. Not for me... Maybe if the assignment involved something hardware oriented. Say write a program that works with a certain piece of hardware that you made or something... But that's what computer engineering is for... And I took the wrong class...
  20. are you serious.. programming is fun... LOLL

    i can sit and program for 24 hours straight, or work on hardware continuously. but i can sit with a paper and pen, solving calculus homework.
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