Last movie you saw, v2.0

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by hiake, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    sister act 2

    aw i haven't watched this movie in so long
    i still like it as much as i did back when i first watched it ^-^
  2. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    haah i watched a DVD (which was a Movie) with ...... ^^ My Sweetie hehe
    Name of the Movie was called LOve is not All Around ^^
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Time machine comes in handy at times like this :p

    I remember seeing "I know what you did last summer" and then, its sequel... But let us not forget the silly Scream series... The first was half decent, but it only went downhill...

    Yes, yes, be polite for once -devil

    I laughed through "Superbad" alright, not a fan of Katherine Heigl so skipped "Knocked up"... But yeah, I do watch comedies from time to time (Meet the Fockers ringed a bell)... But only just... The genre isn't high on my list...

    If anything, I ain't even against the whole spoofing genre if it's done right, didn't you see "Shaun of the dead"? That's a classic spoof there...
  4. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol Only English Movies, anyone watch Hong Kong Movies haha or maybe its just me=P
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol forgot that shaun of the dead was considered to be a spoof, yup yup that was awesome and hilarious, there are some good comedic-horror movies out there too, like slither was also pretty good... anyways how bout just say American spoofs suck haha....
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, now I just have to come up with an American spoof which DIDN'T suck...

    How about... Fido (Canadian) or Grindhouse/Planet Terror? To a certain extent they were spoof based too, only Rodriguez and Taratino made it so B-movie-esque that it escaped much attention as spoof... -lol
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lmao uh uh canadian don't count...and i don't consider grindhouse to be spoofs because a spoof is something that uses a plot of another movie and tries to make it look ridiculous right....grindhouse is more like what you said a b-movie esque type to think of it you can consider that to be a spoof of the b-movie formats haha...
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Then again, which one of Taratino's film was NOT a spoof of the B-rate flicks now? Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Reservoir Dogs, even Kill Bill has that touch of ridicule towards B-rated flicks...
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^true that, but i still haven't watched jackie brown lol...well he took part in sin city and that's not a spoof of a b-rate flick, even though the dialog is kinda but it's more like a living comic book...
  10. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    I watched Sweeney Todd a couple of weeks ago... AMAZING! Totally deserved those Golden Globe awards. Tim Burton is a genius, and him working with both Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter creates magic.

    I watched Hairspray last night, and it was really good too. A feel-good movie, complete with great singing and great dancing. The only actual bad thing about the movie was Zac Efron. Ugh.

    i reckon i got kind of lost..... i remember sam carter being in charge, weir with the replicators... i thought i saw all of season three.. is there something i missed?
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    First off, Sin City wasn't directed by Taratino (but by Rodriguez), add to it the whole "faithful to the original (comic book)" premise you wouldn't get that much of a uber-B-rated flick style... Then again, I thought it was kind of B-rate with all those dressing style and everything... Though I can't say if it's just the way Sin City was (which the comic book was) or the cinematography/art direction on the director/production's part...

    I missed like a season's worth of SGA already... So can't help, but you can always go on Livejournal or somewhere to get reliable, line by line recaps (and possibly episode downloads) But yeah, Weir died (sort of) and Sam took over, I hated the spoiler but I couldn't help myself... Now I am just going to brood over the fact that SGA became so much of a military expedition (instead of a civilian one) over that corner.
  13. lol dont let that stop you. im not gonna give up any spoilers-rolleyes
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    I think Quentin directed a segment of it or something, the yellow bastard segment, he had a part in the directing lol, but nowadays everything (asian flicks included) get the taratino name slapped on it even if he had done nothing with it lol. And sin city, it tries to be b-rate somewhat, mainly the dialog, clive owen's lol, make it seem he is straight up reading from the script and i think the cinematography of sin city was just to make it feel like a moving comic book, and yea can't compare to the comic book here too since i've never read them -unsure
  15. last movie i saw was Lust, Caution... I WANT THAT PINK DIAMOND!!!! -inlove

    -lol serioulsy i think the love scenes were beautifuly made n the end made my eyes watery
  16. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    just watched spirited away again. this movie always makes me happy ^-^

  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It look so much like the comic book that it was creepy to see. And yesh, I personally thought Sin City was trying too hard (and it shows).

    I loved how the English translation/subtitle of Tang Wei's line "quail egg" which was the direct and literal translation of her "鴿子蛋"...

    Happy? Spirited Away? I thought it was a bit sad... Not the most up-lifting film from Studio Ghibli if you ask me.
  18. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    really? i thought it was really touching
    and the way that everything ended ok gave me a happy feeling
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It was touching and all... Yet the feeling of intrigue never left even when Chihiro returned from her kamikaze...

    And Haku was adorable! :p
  20. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    haku is very cute ^-^
    i like kamajii, he's soooo nice