Lucky Asian men

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Asian Guy From Asia, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. who r u to say whether i'm asian or not?? n if i'm not an asian even though both my parents r asians then wot does that make me?? a watermelon??

    man sounds like u r really stuffed up in the head... u must've got bum raped by a non asian... <_<

    99,999% asian girls mite choose to marry asian guys... but i'm sure 100% females won't even go near u... LOSER~~~~
  2. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol yeah this dude's post was probably the most ignorant thing iv read all year. it should be saved and displayed in some sort of hall of fame.
  3. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    more like the hall of shame .. -bash
  4. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    -bigclap-bigclap-bigclap muahahahhahah.....raped by a non asian guy that mistook him for an asian girl. that's how he came to conclusion that nonasian guys have an obsession with asian girls.
  5. puahahahahaha... *hi5*... he's prolly a lady boi... -lol
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Real asians aren't born, they are MADE!.
  7. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Asian joy and pride = asian girls?!?! WTF?!?! That does not make any freaking sense at all!!!
    All I can say is dude you are just one stubborn stone age asian...
  8. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    man... if ur so proud of being asian
    y'd u fukin even learn english
    its not even ur language

    and u think that u have all the control abt letting other ppl?
    if it was "soooo good" the y the fuk do they all wanna leave outta that place
  9. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I swear I could go against all of this guys arguments and also turn this into a flame section if this thing gets more heated lol
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    there isnt any point, this guy doesn't seem like the type that understands a logical argument. you'd just be wasting your time.
  11. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    it's already a flaming thread anyways .. no one agrees with this idiot
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    yeah...I should save those for someone else who understands logic lol
    This is no where near a flame thread compare to what I have seen lol
  13. Asian Guy From Asia

    Asian Guy From Asia New Member

    So you did not know Singapore national language are English also did not know that English used as International language stated by United Nation?

    Not just you did not know what you are talking about you also have no manner in speech, one more western guy I met who have no manner to speak even in internet forum. Anyway stop being jealous, i t will just give you stress on how to think of a way to get what the person got that you are jealous of
  14. if ur so proud shouldn't u b making a fool of urself using an asian language?? or r u not asian enough to learn it properly??
  15. Asian Pride represent... got rice!!??
  16. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    2 paragraphs, 87 passage that is really hard to understand.
    And did you know asian pride comes from asians who are asians who are willing to accept that they're asian and proud of saying. From your first post, you're just saying that asian girls are asian pride...
    Man you're one heck of a lost case if you think that
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    The same can probably be said of you, "pretend [they] are Asian girl"? Or you pretending NOT to be racist now?

    The new aniking, I tell you. And it belongs to hall of shame (or flame)

    I thought it was quite heated ALREADY...

    I am certain he also left his brain and reasoning power somewhere on this place called the internet.

    I need to dig out my Psych101 notes, but I am quite certain that statement RIGHT there resemble a case of inferior complex (or victimization complex), turning the feeling of inadequacy into arrogance is so annoying.
  18. Asian Guy From Asia

    Asian Guy From Asia New Member

    Why we Asians take pride on our Asian girls that makes our Asian girls as our greatest pride? because we Asians respect and praise females and not seeing them as only sexual object like loses did towards females. I wonder if it is the same to non Asian here, I wonder if their non Asian females are a pride for them seeing how many of them in here abandoning their own girls making them prideless and turn as racist when they try to get other girls not from their own race.
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    First off, if you decided to post in English, please make it intelligible. Bad argument was bad enough, badly written argument is infinitely worse.

    As per your argument itself, I think you need a shrink, or speech therapist, or both.
  20. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    omg....i sooo wanted to just ignore this shitface and just hoped he would just go away. but since u won't then i'm just gonna DESTROY u .
    PRAISE and RESPECT them?!!! how are u praising and respecting them when u whack off to pics of 14 year olds dressed in anime clothing?! oh effin please. i'm sure u have those pictures cause they look like respectable girls that u can bring home to show mommy. another thing, having internet access to pictures of girls DOES NOT make it so that u OWN us. we are NOT "urs". got that? like i said, i'll rather be a lesbian then to ever deal with ur bullshit.
    also, english is an official language for u? then fucking learn how to use it properly okay? "Why we Asians take pride on our Asian girls that makes our Asian girls as our greatest pride" does not qualify as good English. before trying to get ur point across and trying to prove a point, first make sure u can properly and grammatically write the shit okay? if Asian guys were actually like u, then god help us all.
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