Lucky Asian men

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Asian Guy From Asia, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    =O We need to restart the operation
  2. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    i wonder if he's gonna come back ... lol
  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    don't ever say that! It's bad luck!
  4. if he comes back he's just gonna make a bigger fool of himself
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    he's always welcomed to get skooled again :p
  6. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Yea hard haha I cant wait.
  7. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    it's gonna be funny because when he comes back he'll try to find ways to make all the random things we said 'unasian'
  8. Jonnie5

    Jonnie5 Well-Known Member

    lol wow, i can't belive that this actually went on for 5 pages, and i can't believe that i actually read a majority of it and actually wasted my study time reading this. This dude is like clinically insane lol, you maybe need to leave asia and experience the world, maybe you'll find a nice "other than asian" girl that you'll actually like. Your ethnocentric views are gonna get you no where in life, and likely your poor english isn't going to help either. Your ethnocentric views are actually a type of racism, because you see other races are inferior to yours, i hope you understand that. While you may get away with it on the "internet" i hope in the "real world" you are not like this. As usually the internet is a vast pool of racism and peoples true feelings about other races come out, and in the real world your just another person with these hidden inner feelings, because in the real world you can't do shit. I hope your views change, and you become a better person, or your gonna keep getting flamed to shit lol.
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    but still he'll always still be the troll codename: pinocchio in my book...cause he always wannabe, but just can't be haha...
  10. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    haha, it's called procrastination -lol
  11. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    I cannot believe I actually read through ALL four pages to see how utterly embaressing this guy is.

    First off AGFA, the reason people are telling you to learn proper english before typing a post, is because:
    1) it is ridicuous that hardly anybody understood the load of crap you sprouted for this topic
    2) it is even more ridiculous that when you try to backup your point of view, STILL nobody understood what kind of crap your sprouting
    3) PLEASE check it is grammatically correct, perhaps get yourself a BETA reader to double check it over first, you know, like fanfiction writers or something, they get people to check the bloody thing makes sense before posting it up for the world to see, otherwise they get critisized for the horrendous writing they posted up, hence what our dear PA members are doing currently about your posts

    Second off, your whole, percentage crap yeah, well, what actual PROVEN facts are there that claim that this percentage of yours is true?
    I mean, when you read posts by members such as zero, who take real life facts from news and what-not, they have something backing up what they post, but your percentage...well, isn't that something you decided upon yourself?
    In school, we are taught when writing essays or arguements, you should follow these guidelines:
    Point, Evidence, Explanation
    That way, you can state your point, where you got your sources from (that are believeable), and then use that piece of evidence to further backup your point explaining how this fact is linked to your arguement.
    VERY basic stuff you learn at the age of 11/12 (not too sure what grade, or schooling system people have, but in London, that would be year 7 stuff)

    Third of all, what kind of society do you live in where they teach you that going for a different ethnicity partner counts as rascist? It is actually the opposite of what you are trying to say.
    Now if we divert our attentions to this page of wikipedia:
    It clearly states that:
    And according to the Oxford dictionary definition, it states that it is "the belief that some races of people are better than others" AND "the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race"
    Now you are saying that Non-Asian men are racists because they choose to persue Asian woman, HOWEVER, according to the information I present above, which clearly states that a racist is someone who believes that their race is SUPERIOR than others, clearly your point is wrong as the Non-Asian men are seeking Asian woman, not woman of their race, so how can they be racist if they are seeking woman of other races? If they were racist, they would only seek the woman of their own race would they not?
    Oh and by the way, THIS is a good example of how you can back up your points, make a note of it for future usage.

    Fourth point, whomever a person likes, be asian, black, white, whatever colour of the rainbow they are, isn't because of that persons race.
    A person falls for someone FOR that person! NOT because they are whatever ethnicity that they are.
    Even if people say "Oh I only like this race type of girls" or whatever, if Jessica Alba came up to them and asked them to date her, I'm pretty sure they would suddenly change their mind.
    I know plenty of people who say "I only like chinese girls" but they end up dating white girls, or black girls, or napolese girls, some even end up as life long partners.
    The point is, people may have a image of what they want to start off with, but things like that change as you go through life, by MEETING people, and INTERACTING with people in society, you begin to see PAST what you know, and REALISE that life isn't just that one thing you once thought, it's actually a big wide world out there and a lot of stuff you didn't know you liked until you tried it or even DISCOVERED it's existance...

    Fifth point, in WHAT state of mind do you even begin to think that because you are not born in asia therefore you are not asian?!
    What alternate universe do you actually live in?
    Oxford Dictionary definition:
    "Asian: a person from Asia, or whose family originally came from Asia"
    THANK YOU Oxford Dictionary, because what you said about: Asians who are not born in asia who only class themselves as Asian because of their parents are, therefore they are not asian...
    You are like SO wrong... I don't even think I'll need to explain myself on why you are wrong here and just let you re-read that quote from the oxford dictionary I posted, several times, until it clicks in that head of yours, everyone else doesn't even need to read this quote to know what it is, but just incase there are any other imbiciles out there who doesn't understand this concept, it's there for all to read.

    Sixth point, can you explain how our PA members are jealous? I still don't quite understand in what part of their posts did it indicate that they were jealous. And also, jealous of what exactly? Of your non-evidential facts? Of your lack of ACTUAL common sense? Tell me, jealous of what? Please explain this to the rest of us, as clearly no one understand where the jealousy is coming from.

    Seventh point (man I'm on a roll), you say that Asian Woman are Asian's pride? Now, maybe we could start a poll somewhere for all the asians on PA and may be even AF and Soompi, and whatever other Asian forums there are out there, hell, we should hold the poll like it was an election for the next Governer or Prime Minister, and I can almost guarentee you that Asian pride isn't just the asian woman.
    A lot of Asian's pride themselves for knowledge, or looks, or sucessful business, ect, I don't actually think I ever heard someone (well until now) say that Asian Pride is Asian Woman. If anything Asian Pride= Got rice hahaha.
    Anyway, my point is, don't drag every other Asian person out there down with you by saying "Asian Pride is Asian Woman" because not every Asian thinks like you. Don't give them a bad name like you are giving yourself by making up facts.

    Eighth point, you say that Asians praise and respect their woman and dont see them as only sexual objects, well I'm sorry to say this but so do other races too. I don't know if you are just following stereotypes or something, but it's not just Asians who respect their woman, so open your god damn eyes and realise how wrong you are.

    This therefore leads to my ninth point, by agreeing with other PA members who say that you are the one being racist, because quite frankly, you are as described in my third point as a racist, "with members of some races believing they are superior or inferior to members of other races". With pretty much everything you have said and posted so far clearly indicates that you feel that Asians are superior to other races, and though you may not have said it DIRECTLY, everything you have said clearly points in the direction of a racist, from the whole Asians are so great attitude which you gave the impression of because non-Asian men are chasing after Asian woman in your thread opening, to the whole bullcrap you said about (seemingly ONLY) Asians treat their woman with respect, unlike other "losers" (I'm assuming you was writing there?) did towards their females. When you CLEARLY don't have real evidence saying that this is true, hence it gives the impression that you are saying Asians are more superior than the other races, and that other races are below those that are asian, therefore this all concludes that you are giving the impression of a racist. It's like you are one of those people who stereotype everything and don't see the bigger picture. Like a chinese story I once read, your like the toad in the well, not knowing anything of the outside of the well, just what you see in the well and through that little hole up above that you cannot reach.

    Now, my tenth and final point (though I could probably post more, but I think this is enough for now), we are all MIXING, pretty soon this world will have colours you didn't even know could possibly exist for humans to become but it's happening.
    I am pretty sure there are a few morons out there who have the same beliefs as you, but heres a little advice, you kind of people are a MINORITY amongst people like us, and you WILL get demolished by us. So don't try to start a war when you haven't got the weapons, the army size, or even the brain power, to even stand up against your enemy, your just running into the battlefield towards your own death.

    Now scurry along, take a year out or something, go travelling, see the WORLD outside the small box that your parents have clearly confined you in, and once you visited each and every country of the world, come back to the computer, log onto PA, tell us of your experiences, and see if by that time, any of the PA members could give a damn to see if you have truely seen the light or not. If you leave now, you could make it back in time before everyone has completely shut the door on you and threw away the key, not even giving you the opportunity to try redeeming yourself.

  12. Jonnie5

    Jonnie5 Well-Known Member

    lol hey... not procrastination lol, just ...... not studying when i shud be, procrastination seems like such a bad word, makes me guilty lol.

    WOW, Shini, ur post is sooo long... i'll read it inbetween my "study breaks", but i think it really hit a nerve with you lol, how long did that post take you to type up??? I just skimmed it anyways, and... that better shut him up
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ahhhhh reading.....guess i have to get out of this thread now until homeboy comes back haha....
  14. Asian Guy From Asia

    Asian Guy From Asia New Member

    Oh the irony, seeing how many jealous non Asian men here keep torching this topic with their jealous fire, hehehe the one who will burn is them since I'm an Asian men the lucky men as you have read how Asian men lucky. Unless the mod lock this topic, it will reach 1000 post in within 1 week.
  15. Jonnie5

    Jonnie5 Well-Known Member

  16. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    The asian wannabe is back! Round 2 guys!
  17. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    lol, trust me I was still on page 4 and typing this up until now, but by the time I poted, you guys made it to page 5! haha.
    So yeah I would say it took me a fairly long time.
    It really hit a nerve because I cannot stand people like that.
    I take pride that I'm chinese, but I don't go acting like we're the greatest, everyone's equal in their own way.

    This guy just....damn, he needed to be told, and I couldn't stand him repeating himself as if backing himself up and making sense...

    Hehehe, I would like to see what he has to reply to it, and if he says to me "your jealous blah blah blah" then I nominate we just get rid of this imbicile!

    lol x
  18. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    lol i totally thought of that when i read that part!!

    but aw shinii, ty for putting so much work into that response
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    -tongue2 pinnochio...what you gonna do about the jealousy. man we ain't burning ourselves...we're no arsonist puppets like you....
  20. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Lol your sense of irony is comical.

    I just had some nice noodles. Delicious.
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