Lucky Asian men

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Asian Guy From Asia, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i like white girls too and i get white i guess im lucky lol
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Star wars, The Godfather, Toy Story, the list goes on

  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    man knoc just kill the'll take a while before this get heated up again
    @asian dde its over and this thing is getting lame
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, the third one sounded anticlimatic somewhat, after such (relatively) old classics as Star Wars and Godfather

    Persepolis and Amelie any takers? Even Diving Bell and Butterfly or Choristes would make my heart flutter :p

    Go get some shut-eye man.

    @flaming> I must say, it only take one wrong (right?) comment to get this thread blazed up again...
  5. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    yeah i agree. i guess once pies, cakes, cats and pinocchio have been mentioned, the end is pretty much here.
  6. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Will do, just gotta finish this last thing.... Programming sucks.
  7. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I'll wait for that moment xD
  8. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    ^ Like that time I just snapped. Man I re-read my posts. Lol damn....

    AND YES DONE PROGRAM! Well not 100% done, but done enough. I'm just going to get some sleep.
  9. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    lego star wars is better :)))
  10. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    phyphy being racist to fearless?? :p

    poor fearless... there there... u know u'll never b more azn that phyphy, but u'll always know u haf an IS that she won't =)
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    LOL, tell me about it. Which language?
  12. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol , about time it got moved to offtopic, and already at 12 pages -_- , whats next 50 pages lol i want that ^^
  13. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    can't u just submit some pseudocode? =D
    and tell them in theory it works lol
  14. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    so we;re sttill making accounts on Asian Fanatics?
  15. chustump

    chustump New Member

    First off, I'd like to apologize for my Asian Brother. It is probably this type of vision that has created years of stereotype to the Asian Male Race. Yes, we can be very proud of being Asian, but it is this self proclamation that has enabled most of our Asian sisters to encounter so called "warmth and thoughtfulness" from the other races, specifically the White males.

    But...on the other hand, I do understand where this guy is coming from. You girls clown him cuz his English use is not up to par when in fact there are some truths to what he is saying although he is not very articulate in writing it. He is probably not from the US or Canada. But you better give it up to him because he can probably read and write English better than you can read or write Chinese. Why else would you be on this site otherwise?

    I am not born in Asia, but I do feel that I have strong roots from there. I am of an Asian heritage, specifically Chinese/Japanese and I was born in SF. As an Asian American, I do feel that there is a strong trend for Asian girls to "Adapt" to the American lifestyle and therefore a lot of Asian American Women do prefer the White Man. Asian guy, it is not called a racial marriage, it is called an inter-racial marriage. Believe you me, I know a lot about it, Half of my female cousins in the US are married to White guys. My Male Cousins on the other hand, all of them married to Asian. Why is this? Asian men prefer Asian women, I know, I tried to date a white chick, but it didn't feel right. Most of this stems from the Trend created by the American Media and also Population status. What I mean from American Media, is do you ever see any Asian guys as sex symbols? We are typically stereotyped on TV as either Kung Fu People or Triad. Asian women on the other hand are seen as Sex symbols i.e. Lucy Luu and Kelly Hu just to name a few. This does not bode well for US Asian Males if we where to go for the White girls, because we are seen more like a novelty and not a true sex symbol. Another fact is that in china, there is a 1 child rule since 1984. Most Chinese and Asians for that matter, pride themselves with having a male born into the family. The ratio of Chinese male born to chinese female born in china is an astonishing 4 -1 ratio. There is a massive women shortage in both Asia and in US right now. Asia, specifically china, because of the 1 child rule and US because 1/2 of our women are dating White men. It doesn't help either when There is all this fucking advertising promoting White Men and Asian Women.

    In a nut shell, after giving you my 2 cents, what asian guy is saying is, "White man, please stay away from our Asian women. We already have a hard time finding the right one, but if take half of our ladies, we will have an even harder time." I don't have any problems with that, but what I do have a problem is Asian Women that have never dated an Asian Man and cringe at the fact that we exist., you know who you are. That is BS. Especially if they have never given it a try. Why are you on this site anyways?

    Lastly, Racist.....i.e. Look at these damn advertisements on this page...really pisses me off. Why is it that. What does this site, which proclaims itself to be for popular Asians have a damn advertisement "want serious dating with Asian Lady?" The definition of Racism is "Racism has many definitions, the most prevalent today being the belief that human beings are divided into more than one race, with members of some races believing they are superior or inferior to members of other races." In this case, Asian Men are being divided against our Asian Women... I think that is an outrage.
  16. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    Here we go:

    first off chustump, thank you for reviving this thread. this is gonna be fun, i'll tell u that right now.....on we go....

    1. "But you better give it up to him because he can probably read and write English better than you can read or write Chinese."

    yeah asian guy can prob read, write and speak chinese better then me. but here is the point, he says english is his national language. chinese is not in canada. go figure his chinese is better than mine.

    2. "As an Asian American, I do feel that there is a strong trend for Asian girls to "Adapt" to the American lifestyle and therefore a lot of Asian American Women do prefer the White Man."

    and u aren't "adapted" to the american lifestyle? strong trend? boy, do u live under a rock? look at the world as a whole, it is pretty much westernized. yes, there are exceptions to the rule but tell me this, do u eat at mcdonalds? i've proven my point. society shapes the person and the person shapes a society. i'm sure ur sooo chinese that u wear old school chinese kung fu clothes and not shop at ur local abercrombie and fitch.

    3. "Asian men prefer Asian women, I know, I tried to date a white chick, but it didn't feel right. "

    u prefer it so that means EVERY guy is like that? i once knew an asian guy that didn't like the fact that he was asian and wanted to live as 'white' as possible. what does that mean? he wasn't asian then?

    4. " It doesn't help either when There is all this fucking advertising promoting White Men and Asian Women.


    5. " Why are you on this site anyways? "

    I'm not on this site to get some ass or to find my future husband. if this was ur intention, i am telling u now, u have just killed any chance for anything at all.

    Lastly, have u ever considered that the colour of ur skin or ur nationality isnt the only thing girls want or are looking for? maybe instead of sitting around swearing at these dumb white boys for stealing our asian girls, realize wat it is that they are doing right and u aren't. here, not dissing asian boys, just the select few. ever realize that in relationships, ppl like commonality. things that bind them together. and race is NOT the only thing. god lord, i'm asian and a girl and i like asian guys. but i also don't rule out other races. it's time to take ur head out of that warp thinking and get out and socialize.
  17. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    greatly spoken leelee

    now its time to start flaming the both of them!!!

    and ur talking abt white ppl taking half the ladies??
    well how does that work out wen the asia population seriously outweights everything else...
    like that half is really gonna do any difference

    plus if the girls choose the other ppl, obviously theres a reason
    cos u must b stupid or so arrogant that no girl wants
  18. chustump

    chustump New Member

    Thanks for the responses. It just goes to show how much you read my stuff... I wasn't even trying to diss asian women, as a whole. I am only dissing the ones that only date white guys.... and I mean ONLY. I love my Asian women, I don't mind the ones that currently are dating White guys right now, just as long as they don't discriminate against the Asian man. 1/2 meaning in SF...have you been here lately? I don't eat a Mcdonalds and I love my chinese food...I Don't shop at abercrombie and fitch...I do like shopping in Hong Kong and Taiwan and I do make my customized suits there also. Also, where is the advertisement..? YOU SERIOUSLY NEED NEW GLASSES. THE SPONSOR FOR THIS SITE IS----> dumb ass

    As for losing a chance, I am dating someone so you can rule that out.

    You once knew a chinese guy that wanted to be white!? I know a lot of Chinese girls that want to be white.
  19. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member


    " It just goes to show how much you read my stuff"

    ---goes to show? didn't u write this so someone will read it?

    I am only dissing the ones that only date white guys.... and I mean ONLY. I love my Asian women, I don't mind the ones that currently are dating White guys right now, just as long as they don't discriminate against the Asian man

    ----dissing them but u don't mind them.

    1/2 meaning in SF...have you been here lately?

    ---maybe it's cause u have such a sensitive spot for this issue dude that every time u see this, u over generalize it. and btw, just because a girl is out on the street with a guy does not make them a couple.

    I don't eat a Mcdonalds and I love my chinese food

    ----Never?! like never? never ever had a nugget, or hamburger, pizza, used a fork, colas, juice, bread-->when u buy it groceries, it's straight up asian supermarket and everything that is purchased is authentic chinese?

    Don't shop at abercrombie and fitch.

    ---fine. u special order ur underwear, asian style.

    ----also, the advertisement, like i said, i don't notice those things cause it doesn't bug me like it bugs u. no need for name calling man. we can have a civilized argument without having to resort to that.

    ---hey, i'm not the one talking about hooking up on here. u brought it up.

    ---so u knew a girl that wanted to be white. thats nice. whats ur point?

    ---ALSO, u wanna add something, go to EDIT and make ur statement.
  20. lidolam

    lidolam Member

    sounds like someone is bitter because they have a small you know what =P

    oh im talking about the op.. and i agree with you lee lee
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