Lucky Asian men

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Asian Guy From Asia, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. chustump

    chustump New Member

    "realize wat it is that they are doing right and u aren't. here, not dissing asian boys, just the select few. ever realize that in relationships, ppl like commonality. things that bind them together. and race is NOT the only thing. god lord, i'm asian and a girl and i like asian guys. but i also don't rule out other races. it's time to take ur head out of that warp thinking and get out and socialize." YES you are dissing Asian Men (we are not "Boys") and why are you getting so upset about what I wrote....unless it was true....
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    wowwww....this thread is boomingggg 13 pages full of shiiiiiet hahahhaha

    i am absolutely havin a good time though
  3. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    (sigh)...for a moment there, i actually thought there were gonna be some good arguments debated back and forth. but now, ur just looking for anything to get back at me....
    by saying boys, i dissed asian men?! oh puh-lease. i used the word girl instead of woman, does that mean i'm dissing asian women too?!
    i'm not upset at all. do i seem upset to u? cause i'm not. u knew what u were getting into when u decided to write into this particular thread. i'm just arguing against ur opinion.
  4. chustump

    chustump New Member

    I have a nice sized one...and you can ask you mom about it lidolam. This is stupid. What I am trying to express is how I think Asian Women are God's gift on earth and how lucky Asian Women are that they can choose with other ethnicities. What I stress I don't appreciate the Asian Women that PREFER THE WHITE said it yourself lee lee..."its about commonality"....That is ALL I AM SAYING.
  5. chustump

    chustump New Member

    So....I guess you are arguing against me disliking Asian Women that don't like Asian Men?? So I guess I don't like you?
  6. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    commonality BEYOND skin colour is what i meant

    (sigh)...fine don't like me. i dont even want to carry on this anymore. ur no fun anymore. can't even carry out a argument like a MAN. say w/e u want. i'm not gonna respond. can't say anything to u without u getting all upset and whiny.
  7. i dont recall my fight with benjiwang being moved to off topics lol

    instead it just got deleted..
  8. has he devolved into chustump now?
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i like white, black, yellow, red and whatever there long as there is a right connection i dont care where hes from...

    i am the opposite of a racist... :p

    no offense but who says asian guys are all that... u shouldnt caterogize ppl and say oh white is wrong and asian is good....
    ud just be judging ppl cuz of their backgrounds... thats wrond :(
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    and another offtopic legend in the making.
  11. Asian Guy From Asia

    Asian Guy From Asia New Member

    So what makes you come back in this topic after you said are done with this topic? where is the pride to lick back the words you spit out?
    If I found out you also a troll like what flaming did, I will send you into my trash can since it seems flaming are very lonely in there right now.
  12. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    wow your back.. such a loser... can't get your post count up by the way learn english
  13. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i reckon ur the lonely one here...and i thought u were outta here u mongoloid
  14. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    lol, Angie u da bomb.
    and lee-lee i LOVE you girl! Go you!

    @chustump...What IS actually wrong with dating a white guy?
    The society you live in must suck where even the asians are discriminating against the asians.
    Here I thought most places have evolved to love the asians in many ways, food, culture, style, and people.
    like lee-lee said, you probably have a particularly sensitive spot about this issue so when you see it, you believe that everything around you is that way.

    Btw, how people want to be is how they want to be, it's called individuality, whether Chinese girls wanna be white, black, phillipino, whatever.
    I know plenty of chinese guys who wanna be black and white too, you may not this, but not everybody wants to be chinese (man feels so weird coming from my mouth as i usually joke about this lol).

    It's because of that thinking of " You once knew a chinese guy that wanted to be white!?" that causes things such a division between races.
    We are individuals for a reason! If all chinese people were to be only chinese style, then we probably would still be running around in robes and men will have long pony tails and half bald heads!

    And you sure do wear westernized clothing I'm sure of it, after all, when you attend a formal gathering, are you wearing some royal blue robe with gold dragons stitched on it, or are you wearing dress pants with a neatly pressed shirt and smart shoes?

    It's funny cause this reminds me soooo much of a Wong Fu Production film called "Yellow Fever", wanna watch it, heres the link:

    BTW, is THAT how you translated what the Asian whats his face said?
    "White man, please stay away from our Asian women. We already have a hard time finding the right one, but if take half of our ladies, we will have an even harder time."
    SERIOUSLY? That's not the impression he was giving off to everybody else I can tell you that.
    The impression I got was one of a racist, and someone who seems to believe us who are not born in asia who class ourselves as asians, are well, not asian...
    And would you please translate to me what he meant about Asian Pride is Asian woman...

    @lee-lee, don't go! Even Angies back!
  15. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    wut a gr8t speech lee lee!!! :)
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i understand you always mention the trash can that were from, you know where your 2 gay fathers picked you up and raped....i meant raised you......

    anyways damn other dude....envying the white dicks and shit, tries to prove himself straight by saying he don't shop at abercrombie and finch....please, but damn the long writing....the girls would handle your ass now haha.....oh yea and you know you eat a mickey d's don't try to prove that you all 6 pack, healthy and slim and shit, that would only benefit you with yo gay boyfriends... fuck big macs are good, you suck, your ass probably could only take the kids meal.
  17. sillumjay

    sillumjay Well-Known Member

    WOW there is more than one sick loser in this world!!! haha has someone checked their IP for multiple accounts. I think the world is going to end if there is actually two of them o. 0 and DAMMMM lee-lee you owned their asses haha i take off my hat to you.
  18. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Java... :(

    @Chumpstump. Trust me. You don't wanna start.
  19. hiake and khaotic.. programming does suck.. =(

    you can write viruses and send them to this asian fag guy =D
  20. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I'm sure that task would be better suited for our aspiring programmer. -rolleyes

    Buahahahaha I'm gonna start a flame war for fun.

    Ok first off. You said "It didn't feel right" when you dated a white girl. Please elaborate. If you were disturbed by her skin color than that's just discrimination right there. And if you just disliked her personality then that's just pure stupidity. You can't base all women of a certain race, just by your experience with one.

    THE IRONY!!!

    You praise that women have a choice in who they marry, yet you believe that they should marry Asian men exclusively. So what about men? Are we allowed to marry other ethnicities, while the women are forced to wait for some Asian guy?
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