Lucky Asian men

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Asian Guy From Asia, Jan 21, 2008.

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  1. lol see, utsg are for nerds and geeks :p

    all jokes aside, the logic is quite simple to understand. but moving from java to python is harder because of different language grammar..
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I took computer engineering and thought it would be a good idea to improve on the programming aspects of the course. So I took a computer programming class. However the class is hell. Horrible teacher with horrible communication skills. The whole class is basically teach yourself without out any support of any kind. I guess it's the class that I hate more than programming itself.
  3. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    man, trolls are better than the incomprehensible, unrealistic, impaired, inarticulate, dim-witted, moronic, uncommunicative, simple-minded, thick headed ass that u are. seriously, if u ACTUALLY have a girl, my advice is to hold onto her for dear life. like she is ur lifeline, cause without her, ur gonna be wanking urself for the rest of ur life. cause god figures, if she is dumb enuf to be with someone as horrendous as u then she must either think all other guys on earth are dead and that being a lesbian is just wrong. if there are asian girls as dumb as her out there in this world, i apologize to the entire world of Asian girls and just basically all females on earth that there is an existence of our kinds that is that brain dead.

    Shini, he gets his clothes made in Asia. even down to his underwear. i'm not going anywhere. i'm just not gonna respond to his comebacks. i am always up for a good argument but this guy just does not have the shit to argue with me. he's just a waste of my time to deal with. i am always up for arguing with anyone and eating them alive but to get this guy back is just sad. his last rebuttal was that i dissed asian men cause i said boys. next thing i'm gonna hear is that i don't capitalize my sentences, therefore, i am not respecting the asian language or something stupid like that.
  4. ^ lol i cant believe youre still going on with this guy
  5. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    oh very asian ah
    very very asian lo

    cant believe we got 14 pgs on this thread
    wotever it is
  6. hoi_lee

    hoi_lee Well-Known Member

    haha -clapclap
    i doubt that he has a girl tho, seems like his using PA to "praise and pick up girls". what a racist moron <_< if he ever wanted a gf, he should go online dating so he can think twice at what he says. -_-2
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    He thinks? I thought he is incapable to do that... if his previous posts are any indication, he is one person who should NOT consider online dating because he is just unable to say anything nicely.

    And yeah, his so-called "praise" has so far did nothing but offend girls (and guys alike)... Guess he's got the wrong tactic (or execution) up his Asian sleeves.

    I thought that Java was more difficult than Python, but that's just me... So 148 is now based on Python? I guess that make sense, since all the people taking 108 this past term learned Python... But then Java's got a certain appeal to the object thing... And let's just say I thought that 108 assignments were crack.

    You should stick with the hardware end of the deal... Programming is just not something you learn at school... I learn pathetically little from my prof (a bad prof he is, but a nice guy though :p) There's plenty of tutorials available online you can learn from... No point in going to classes at all...
  8. hoi_lee

    hoi_lee Well-Known Member

    haha, obviously if he can't say anything nice just TYPING, can you imagine him in real life? hahaha, online dating sounds much better for him, at least he can think twice, if he says something wrong online he could simply switch off his window but if he says something wrong in real life, he can go dig a hole and hide in it. -lol
  9. hmmm.. i just took out my java book, and compared the coding languages... having not done java before, i just realized how java and python are super similar.....

    NEVERMIND! -innocent2
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    But then on the internet, particularly on a forum, everything's cached and set in stone for life... One wrong move and he's shot down (like he is right now)...

    Then again, online dating saved him the risk of being slapped. So I guess you have a point in saying it's more suitable for him -lol

    @dann> Similar, still not the same... Plus, the way it was taught at UTSC... It was pathetic.
  11. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    oh my goodness .. in the few hours i've been gone, it's gone up 3 pages. good job guys, lol

    dude, just shut up

    i clicked on it!!! lol, but when i saw the title i was like OH HELL NO
  12. pathetic is damn right. im doing this assignment, and recalling what shit we did in class, the assignment is as hard as scratching a baboon's anus. shit. i have no damned clue how to do this.

    lol why did you click it? you interested in pretty asian girls too? -lol
  13. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    lol, always
    but. nooo, i wanted to see what you were showing him ^-^
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    why not? does it taste too white for you?

    like customized chinese clothing with lotsa dragon patterns and interlocking cloth buttons? or like the pimp suits you have in your avatar. If its the latter you don't need to go to hong kong for that shit, you can just stamp 'I am a black pimp wannabe' on your forehead and your good to go.

    lol there are advertisements on PA? my firefox blocks them all, i suppose you still live in the 90's and use internet explorer like all the foo's who don't understand that the internet is serious business.

    i once knew a black man who wanted to be white:

  15. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    shhhhh. there's probably people here who still use ie .. lol
  16. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    aiyah, everyone who uses the internet should be on firefox... its like a million times better than IE.

    you're right though, iv seen some people in my uni classes using IE on their laptops... im just like 'Noobs' >.<

  17. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Now I'm wondering how many people are actually supporting this guy, both in and outside of PA.
    0 I bet, and it'll be the same for the next millennium. Sorry buddy your parents and friends isn't counted as human if they're supporting you. And you are nothing.

      () parentheses
      {} braces
      [] square brackets
    HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HELP THE ASSIGNMENT. i swear. i have no fucking clue how my prof became head of department. what the fuck.

    i am in the baddest fucking mood. if i see that asian guy im gonna flip.
  19. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Not as bad as ours...he leaves the tutorial in the middle of the presentation he shows us...tells us just read this chapter and thats it...and he's also the head of the department...but we learn those in high school lol
  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    shit's gonna hit 500 in less than 2 days, now where the hell are those fuckers....
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