lolz.. if my family in the US was bigger.. i would get more money... i bet if i live in china.. where all my cousins are.. i woudl get about 3000-5000 HKD lmao... i think not sure >.<
nothing for ur bday?! gifts instead? u gotta get something. i feel bad if u actually get nothing. like, not even a cake? next time, it's ur bday, i'll send u a gift. shooting for 600 in lei see money for chinese new year this year. kdot, if i hit that mark, i'll buy u a drink!
lol to be honest.. i don't get a cake for my birthday.. its just like comes by and goes right away.. don't really celebrate it.. besides getting some cash..
lol i usually get a cake for my Bday and that is it. no presents or w/e. my theory is that with family, if they are giving you presents and money as 'lai see' then its just coming out of the family's pocket anyway. I don't need presents because most of the time they are just semi-useless doo-dads, and if i really need money i will ask for it, otherwise i can work for my own cash. If i see my parents digging into their wallets to give me money when im not especially strapped for cash i wont take it. its not like you are getting any richer if your parents are the ones giving money to you. its a bit different with relatives though. I don't like taking money from my extended family either, but sometimes chinese people can be really insistent and take it as an insult if you don't take their gifts lol
hmm well i don't remember what i get for birthdays .. but i think it ranges from $20-100 from my parents and for the past two years my uncle gave me $100 and for new years i think it ranges from $400-600. but i just started getting this much like two years ago, and i'm afraid i have spent like half or more of it already -_-
mmm.. usd.. wanna gimme some? lolz i get about 100-200 for bday... not much for new year.. since i have mainly no relatives in the US besides 2.. sigh:( one lives like .5 miles away from me.. other is in michigan... :( but i get some lai see from my parent's friend... so i end up getting about $300-$500 usually..
o.. bank account duh >.< lolz yea im not telling that either.. i was just asking about wallet i'm $140 away from my dream camera/camcorder at this moment
i'll cut fealess' cake in half and send it to u. haha independent fearless. good for u. i see lei see come my way, there is just no way i can say no. my rents have never helped me out so lei see is their only contribution. i see ur point about my parents not getting any richer by giving me money, but...i dunno, lei see is a celebration. shouldn't spoil the fun. plus, its one month of free rent money for me...
and that is why i still have my lai see and birthday money unopened....i don't need to count on family financially..but i do lik gifts from friends lol u also owe me a bday present on top of the drink =p...lets celebrate ur new job by bringin me and dann to jack astors i need a new hat......if i get $5 acc bucks from supervisor imma buy this hat i wanted for a month at acc