damn, the man is as determined to prove his 'vietness' as i am to prove my blackness -coolio i chill with black people, i have lots of black music, i watch TV dubbed into ebonics (which i also speak fluently), i would probably vote for barrack obama if i had the option, and i have an afro this makes me 1/32 black
lol i seriously can watch the movies or listen to the music....hear like the music in the supermarkets and such....gives a weird feeling to me... and the movies and such always soo corny, well the ones i've watched. have yet to see a good viet movie seriously... hahaha ebonics....
dont' forget that u also dated a black girl, eat a lot of fried chicken, wear grills and u also walk around with a fro pick in ur fro. now that 1/32 is 1/30th. the music is usually a remake of some chinese song so it's alright. haha. i agree with u, the movies are super corny. but i'm a girl so super corny is acceptable. haha
^yo you ever wore them o.g. hats lee lee haha lol cause yousa super corny girl haha jk jk anyways i gotta say what's with these transvestite looking comedians...still don't get why people like them soo much....i always almost puke when i see them on advertisements...
lol wt... I thought you wrote it already!?! hahah don't forget to tell us what happen when the rest of your group show up to cloass..
OMG! my mom wears that when she gardens. lmao.... what r u talking about transvestite comedians....-unsure
^shit these guys who dresses and look like women and still has a mustache *shivers* see them on newspaper ads for concerts and shit...well this probably is only in cali cause i live in a viet community... anyways that's a ballin' hat haha.....o.g. vietnamese!!!! yeah.
yea, so i hang out with chinese people (used to) so does that make me chinese? lol dont be pulling philo shit on me. 3 hours a week at utm is quite enough lol you gonna wear viet dress? now THAT i gotta see. lol not just chinese songs, but french songs, and english songs, and many other foreign songs that hat is sick. dont be making fun of that hat. i used to want one of those when i was a kid lol
omgggggggggggggggggg im going crazy.... too much info at a time... im going insane... my head is going to explode...bloody hell...
u can have one of my mom's. she's got like 4 of them lying around the house. another late night at the office. when did my life become all about work?...ugh....gosh, can't wait till i make my first million...