Damn it! I'm such a lazy bum! I should have started studying for physics exam today, but just wanted to rest after the busy week before. Well at least the exam is not till friday... I got all day tomorrow to study...
lol an interesting episode of panorama by bbc, investigating scientology.. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-126281853779690652
lol lets hope this'll prepare you for the shirley temple lee-lee has in store for you hahaha anyways, lets hope that class teaches you how to smell/choose/pair wine with food
wine is different....im learning how to taste good wine and judge wines........i shoudl start a wine thread....only real MEN drink wine
is that so. so why are you taking the class again? lol dude i dont even need classes to learn how to taste good wine. i got a whole cave full of wine bottles belonging to me. come on chef cook. tell me what wine goes with what dish. 1)Bordeaux 2)Gewrustraminer 3)Masi A)Bourguignon B)Coq au Vin C)Spaghetti meatballs ill treat you and lee-lee to shirley temples if you get all three right lol
i don't have culinary anymore that y im in wine management lol i konw alot mang grape varietals. how grapes grow...smell of older wine...sauvignon blanc..im too good
lol damn Kdotc when are you gonna stick with one thing and go with it..?? next thing you know, you're in cheese tasting class... ;'
i had cheese in first sem..i did project on tequilla cheese lol bordeaux beef stew masi chicken and rice spaghetti gewrustraminer my turn what is the principal smell of a typical savignon blanc? name one indicator of a good win describe the smell of a young and older wine