Uh, i tihnk it is real, cuz i was looking through games and stuff and i saw this one...hahah. Interesting...lol
Apparently it's a piece of crap. It's already a chore babysitting my cousins why the hell would I want to babysit virtual kids :\.
False. Worst game ever is Superman 64. Now that was trash. Playing that game was the most frustrating moment in my childhood.
lol , seriously even Pacman beats this game, all i did was Download it , make a name then deleted it lol ,
lol this game looks pretty weird, i dont think anyones gonna buy it unless your one of those little girls that would love to know how to take care of a baby someday
Lmfao! I have this game on my DS. I've tried it XD. It sucks Lol (Deleted now)... If u want to like take care of some kind of virtual subject (i don't know what u call it) I'd prefer Nintendogs lmfao...
lmao.. this game should be fun................................................... [hide=90]for 4 year olds....................................................[/hide]
I thought Shaq-Fu was the worst game ever? Cuz they created a site to destrpy all copies of the game XD
I saw this on a tv commericial, showing a group of girls were chatting about the game and how fun it gives to people. When I see thier faces, I know from that point .....they're faking it.