Should I ask her out?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by AkatsukiRyosuke, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. AkatsukiRyosuke

    AkatsukiRyosuke New Member

    Lawl. I am inexperienced in such things, so I decided to ask members of PA about this.. This year I've become close friends with this girl, and recently I realized I have fallen for her. I intend to ask her out, but like most guys, I'm afraid of getting rejected... I'm not sure if she just wants to stay as a normal friend. Should I wait longer? if I do, will I lose my chance? and also, if I do ask, how am I supposed to ask? In Cantonese? or English? Help is greatly appreciated
  2. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    if you want to dont do it straight up. It feels real akward straight up =.=
    jst do some sneaky tactical approach
  3. yea I agree with the sneaky tactical approach.. hahaha...

    I mean how do you think she feels towards you? like just a good friend? maybe you need to give her small hints that you wanna be more than friends.. ask her out on some dates.. but do it like it's a friendly thing..
  4. qoo2828

    qoo2828 Well-Known Member

    just start to go a little over the friendship borderline.. just a little.... see how she reacts if shes fine.. keep going until she stops u lmaoo.. and i guess considering how far u can go u can tell if she likes u back or not =) im sure u dont need to go quite far for u to know that she likes u...
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    does it matter what language? as long as she understands the language ur askin her...then it doesnt matter rite...
    come on be a man and asked the lady!

    in my experience...most guys who dont make a move end up in friends zone =/
  6. if ur not sure whether to use Canto or Eng just use body language... take her hand when u guys r crossing the road or something...
  7. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    you really should have an idea what your chances are if you are interested in her

    if your not sure...tell us a bit more information maybe we can give you an idea what she is implying?
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    oooh...smooth move...body language haha
  9. kekeke... y not... -kiss1 -kiss1 saves u from whipping up a speech n having to decide which language to use -lol
  10. Kaitou_Kid

    Kaitou_Kid Well-Known Member

    be really sly..haha ask her out on a date like wanna catch dinner friday and decide from there
  11. hahahaha

    if girl == 'in front of you':
    -----print pickup_lines
    elif girl == accept:
    -----print 'will you be my girlfriend?'
    elif girl == reject:
    -----print 'go cry in your room'
  12. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    jump right in..ask her..she says no..ur still friends....who knows what may happen later on..
    rejection happens..nutin wrong there...ya move on..
  13. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Just ask her. If you get rejected, at least you'll have gained some experience and would know better next time. No pain = no gain.
  14. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    haha use the same motto for losing weight no pain=no gain or for gaining weight lmao. but yea just ask her out. ask urself whats the worst that can happen. gd luck.
  15. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    How bout if you're really shy? How do you get your mind to stop been shy???
  16. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    well im a shy a person but yet u just build courage in urself and don't think to much and u will be fine.
  17. shadowchi

    shadowchi ~~♫ ♫ ♪ Himitsu ♪ ♫ ♫ ~~

    Just ask her out, dont let it delay may end up like *I only though you as a brother* >.<

    Give some her some hints that you want to move on futher then just friendship, she will give some hints if she wants that.

    Take you chance, you might regret it later. -_-2
    And even if she turns you down, you can still be friends with her right?
    And there are other fishes in the fishing pond ;)
  18. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I think I gave out a lot of hint...but the thing is she doesn't get either that or she's messing around with me...
  19. shadowchi

    shadowchi ~~♫ ♫ ♪ Himitsu ♪ ♫ ♫ ~~

    I guess you will have to ask it straight, or maybe she dont want to talk about it.

    But yeah, it's better that you know her answer.
    I know it's quite confussing, since sometimes they intend to give you false hope......
  20. Darkii

    Darkii Member

    I'll tell you something from person experience. I was in the same situation as you, i gave my her lots of hints and everything, but it seemed like she didn't do anything. We were still good friends and everything, but it just wasn't past the friendship line. I decided i was just going to tell her straight up one day how i felt, but i knew it might ruin our friendship. I ended up telling her one night when i asked her out for dinner...and now she's my gf! =)

    She said she didn't even notice any of the hints i made..sigh lol. I think you should just man up and go straight for it one day, when the time is right