meh i was bored. so i thought i'd give it another try but tomorrow i have school!! and i have absolutely no idea what my schedule is .. i probably have a really crappy one though >.<
I got school on Thursday. Killer semester. Gotta bring my average up after that horrible first semester >< At least I got one automatic ace course. Economics with the easiest teacher of all time :O
yeah my first semester was pretty bad >.< did horrible on two of my finals ... my automatic ace course = choir^-^
LMAO.. hahahah... Damn ang... I think you might end up looking like a sexy shaolin monk by the end of your training.. -lol hahah.. chelly's an anime-r.. I guess it's special ed for you now.. hahahah
yea.. just that I dont like how the crosshair is so huge.. more used to CS style.. hard to precision aim in cod..
yea.. but you dont get too clear of a view.. I jus pasted that airstrike level.. hahah looks pretty badass when its all black n white and you jus bombing the enemies...
def enjoyed that fucking level..i must kicked it about 10 times...friendly fire..u fucking know it...
You playing on Vet difficulty? And what you mean you don't get clear view? You mean you don't get enough range or something?