Wii vs PS3 vs XBOX 360

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Kaitou_Kid, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    when i first plugged in my rockband i saw the deadly red lights..i got so scareddddd...i don't regret getting 360 over ps3 but now i think i want ps3 since its only 370 but i only want 2 games which isn' worth gettin the system
  2. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I've seen 2 red lights twice on my first 360. Turned it off right away to let it cool down. So far I've never experience the 3 red lights of death.
  3. idunn0

    idunn0 Member

    i'm gonna be getting a Wii this month...i think it's more entertaining for having friends over and co-op games
  4. demitrees

    demitrees Member

    i think the WII is by far the best one out of them all. i mean there are fun games like mario and also the mature games such as resident evil and red steel so it can be good for people of all ages.

    and plus the wii sold out when it first came out and now its out of stock because i christmas. i love nintendo!
  5. KZxBlades

    KZxBlades Well-Known Member

    I think wii is doing the best right now, still sold out in stores, can't wait till Super Smash Brothers comes out!
    #85 KZxBlades, Jan 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2008
  6. linkx

    linkx Member

    wii is interesting for me a while but after tat i got bored with it.

    For me ps3 is the winner. where GTA, FF and MGS goes i will follow anyway.
    What makes ps3 better is the fact that i can install ubuntu and use it as a media center and blu-ray movies all in one. Doesn't need to buy an additional device to play hd dvd.
  7. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Huh? Do you really need to install ubuntu? I thought PS3 was like the 360. Just connect to your comp and play vids and music. Am I wrong? -what?
  8. JustThatGirl

    JustThatGirl New Member

    Wii sounds quite good..And not bad for the value as some offers free games for it...
  9. hkfan87

    hkfan87 Member

    i think the future lies with the PS3. they got some good co op games coming out and i hear they have better graphics than the 360. and they have the final fantasy series too (can't wait for FFXIII !!!!!!)
  10. tvb_junkie

    tvb_junkie Member

    I like the interactiveness of the Wii. If you take some of the games fairly serious, you can get a decent work out. It's better for someone like me who has really poor hand eye coordination. Often find myself looking down at the buttons too much for the other games.
  11. kamisama603

    kamisama603 Member

    I like the Wii and PS3 more than XBOX 360.... I own all 3 systems..... and I prefer wii first and PS 3 second and then PS 2 3rd
  12. PS3.. Blu-ray.. High Def. games n movies.. ya can't go wrong with DualShock 3 also!! Xbox don't even have the motion sensors on the controller.. =/
  13. Rev

    Rev Well-Known Member

    Xbox 360 or PS3

    I can't decide which one to pick... Xbox 360 or PS3.

    atm I'm considering to buy the 360 cuz I want to play Ninja Gaiden 2 and Fable 2. But on the other hand PS3 got better graphics, it got Final Fantasy's and some other nice games. I found a nice offer for the Xbox 360 that got
    Console with 20GB
    2 Wireless controlers
    3 Games
    - Halo 3
    - Forza Motorsport 2
    - Viva Pinata
    - HD AV Cable
    - Ethernet Cable
    That all for €389, and I've only seen PS3 package without games that are like €400~
    I want a console that is fun, good games single or multi and nice graphics.

    Soo which one should I pick?

    ps. No fanboy replys please :p
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    bluray basically just won out the high definition war, so id say go with the PS3 so you can watch all the movies that will soon be coming out :p.

    PS3 doesn't really have enough games at the moment, but once God of War 3, FFXIII (which is supposed to be released this year) and devil may cry 4 all come out you will have more awesome games than you can handle.

    I'll be buying a PS3 as soon as the new final fantasy game comes out.

    that said, Xbox360 has a better game selection at the moment, even though it is less versatile. I really want to play Fable 2 as well cuz the first one was hilarious and fun... but overall the PS3 is a better package (and significantly more reliable ie. red ring of death)
  15. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    all the good games out so far is for xbox 360.. but i'll say go with ps3.. once more ps3 games are out.. you'll be disappointed by xbox 360.. since the graphics is like can't really compare to ps3 much..
  16. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    PC...but if u must...ps3
  17. Teardrops@

    Teardrops@ Active Member

    PS3 has way better graphics, but Halo has awesome games that are already out, such as FPS games. Butttt PS3 will start getting better because the good games are coming out this year, hopefully. So it really depends on what type of games you like.
  18. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    ^ GH3 is available for all next gen systems including the PC

    i'd say go with the PS3 cuz a lot of PS3 only games will be coming out this year like Gran Turismo 5, Metal gear Solid 4, Big little planet, final fantasy XIII and other games that will be only ps3 specific...on top of that blu-ray has pretty much won the HD dvd war and you can get a decent blu ray player

    but if you play a lot of FPS than the xbox 360 is much better for you since their games are more targeted for the american market which enjoys playing those FPS

    *don't we have tons of discussions in the forum about which system is betteR?
  19. Technically lotta the games that are mulitplatform have the same graphics... I don't think lotta developers willing to put in the time to full use what the PS3 has to offer...

    but this year.. PS3 will dominate the console war.. games like GT5: Prologue and Metal Gear Solid 4 will show just what the PS3 is capable of..

    and the online play is free.. so just think about that.. ontop of that.. 'HOME' will be out eventually..

    Plus the Blu-Ray.. damn once you go Blu-Ray.. you never go back! -lol