People can be such assholes

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Dan, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. I came to a harsh realization as to how much of an asshole someone can be.

    I just got to school, and was heading to the cafeteria to chill there. Unfortunately, it was locked. Yet there are students who managed to get in I don't know how.

    So as I went back and forth looking for another place to wait for my classes, the door suddenly opens, and other girls were able to get in. As I approach the door once again to see if it was indeed locked, it was.

    I then proceeded to knock on the door hoping people would be nice enough to open the door.

    But no, the girls who got in, as well as the girl who opened the door just sat quietly at their table minding their own business, as if they couldn't hear me. So thinking they probably didn't hear me, I banged louder on the door, so they would notice.

    And instead, they just stared at me. What the hell is that kind of manner? Open the damned door. So I stood there glaring at them for 5 minutes to see if they would finally stand up and open the door, alas i expected too much.

    Why would they open the door to other girls but not guys? Where is the courtesy in all of this? In fact, had I been in their position, I would gladly stand up, walk my way to the damned door and open it.

    Then as I stood there, I can't believe how much of an asshole people can be.

    I know this may just be a small thing as opening the door, and I may have overdone it, but it makes me recall all the other times people can be dickheads, like that time the subway ticket booth attendant told me to wait so she can talk on the phone, wasting my time.

    Anyways, this is a little rant I'm writing as I wait for someone courteous enough to open the door to the cafeteria.

    Do share all of the asshole moments you guys have experienced.
  2. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    They have no right shutting you out. The cafeteria is supposed to be a shared area, so what authority do they have in deciding who goes in and out?

    My asshole experiences were rather unpleasant. The most recent one was during a conversation with an old acquaintance who was a year younger. She asked me why I was taking so long to graduate. She said it seemed like I'd been studying for ages and still getting no where. She'd graduated 3 years ago although she was a year younger. Damn I was irritated! Especially the getting no where part. How could she compare herself with me? We're two different people, doing two totally different things! What an ass! But then again, I told myself to forgive and to forget. We need these asses to keep our lives colourful and exciting. Lol
  3. BigC

    BigC Well-Known Member

    ^^The younger generations are getting worse and worse. I am not saying all but in general. Too bad about not being able to get into the Cafeteria but for future reference couldn't you have asked a security guard or a janitor that may have been walking by to open the door? You shouldn't have to go to take that measure to have someone open the door for you but what comes around goes around. They will get theirs.
  4. no security guard or janitor in the area at that moment =(
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    we're all assholes in some point....we can't all be nice everyday
  6. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye that is true but its common courtesy for someone to at least open the door if they see u standing waiting outside for like 5 mins. at least u know what to do next time u get in and they want to get in.
  7. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    ^ eye for an eye policy? Why stoop to their levels of idiocy...don't bother...
  8. drey's right.

    i had courtesy and self-control engraved into my head after taking martial arts.
  9. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Maybe they wanted an all girl fun time in the cafeteria? -lol
  10. shadowchi

    shadowchi ~~♫ ♫ ♪ Himitsu ♪ ♫ ♫ ~~

    That's why dann want to go in there......Lots of hot gurls, who wouldn't want to go in there....-whistle

    But yeah, I hate people, that are pretending they dont know it/ dont hear it
    Some people are really childish....-censored
  11. hot? they were pretty ugly to say the least lol

    but even if a hot girl did do this, any bitch that does this shit is marked as an ugly bitch for doing so.
  12. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    HAHA i totally cracked up when i read that shit.
  13. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    where ur sensitivity. put urself in his shoes and u will understand how frustating and annoying that is.
  14. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    ^ I do feel for him, thats why it cracked me up when he said that cuz i can totally relate to what he said.
  15. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    it's ok. if someone did that to me, i'd just be like "fine, i won't be opening the door for you anytime soon" don't care if i stoop to their level hahah. and if i did hear them, i'd just pretend i didn't. -innocent2

    life is not that convenient ..
  16. ^ thing is, youd probably not ever meet them again, much less coincidently switch places with them..
  17. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    Just give it time and maybe one day you'll have your chance. And if it's a similar situation I think you should take the moral high ground and give em a hand. Maybe they'll learn something. Till then, don't stress it.
  18. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    lol well if it happens, i would ignore them
  19. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    lol i love holding doors for other ppl, it's just my courtsey

    my story of asshole is this one kid in my computer class back in highschool, he was one grade lower then me, and i bought my airphones (medium sized ones) to class so i can listen to music, and he fuknig broked it and laughed it off, i was gonna fuck him up, but it was highschool, private school, and very expensive, so i didn't wanna do nything stupid ugh
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I do hold doors as a courtesy too... But sometimes it REALLY ticks me off when a bunch of people (usually teenage, "cool" kids) come and shuffle through the door... Then I realize there are like 20 of them... Imagine holding that fragging door for 20+ people... And those kids would give you this "fragging beggar, you are not getting my dime" look. It can be extremely aggravating -censored