People can be such assholes

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Dan, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    sorry to hear what happened to u today dann. don't get too mad about it, (i understand at that very moment it is very hard to not be pissed as hell) but...i've said it once, i'll say it again, karma is a bitch. they'll get theirs. there are inconsiderate ppl out there in this world and there is really nothing u can do about it. just swear a little and move on with ur life.
    i've met so many horrible ppl in this world, that its a miracle i still believe there is good in ppl.
    one time while i was still working at jacobs. my manager asked me to work after hours with her cause the store had agreed to open past hours for this girl. i guess she was filthy rich so the store was willing to make an exception. she came in and i was basically suppose to follow her and help her out. this girl came in and was like, "i'm an x-small". she started tearing thru the pile of clothes. i was like, "the smallest size is on top, let me help u" she was like, "i dont think so. i don't want the ones on top." she tore thru the piles and still ended getting the one on top cause like i said, the smaller sizes are always on top. she then made me put on the clothes for her to see cause she didn't want to saying, "it'll mess up my hair". i did and she was like, "nope, this won't do cause i have bigger chest then u. so it won't fit me. ur hips are bigger then mine, so it won't work". i was soooooo close to just smacking the shit out of her. but w/e. after she left, i had to stay and sort everything. she didn't even say thank you.

    this one time, i went to a chinese bakery to buy food, and when i went to pay, the lady thought i didn't understand chinese so she goes to the other lady, "leave some out, she won't notice".

    i have so many stories, there isn't enuf time in this world to go over them all.
  2. heh.. yes... when i hold doors to people, what tick me off are those who just walk in within bothering to hold the door from me. instead, while i hold the door so they can catch it, they walk right pass through.

    leave some out? she wont notice?

    i dont get it.. o_O
  3. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^she was telling the other lady that was packing the bake goods into the box to leave some of them out but still charge me for them.
  4. lol what did you do afterward?
  5. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^ nothing at first. i wanted to see if the lady would actually go thru with it. it was beyond belief. they were gonna freaking jip me on freaking fifty cent coconut buns. come on! i think it was because i was with three other girls and none of them were asian so maybe they just took it as that i wasn't either (cause the black hair, almond eyes, yellow skin is a dead give away that i'm irish) anyways, i didn't say anything and just stood there. and she actually did. i then asked her, "is this how u do business? ur gonna rip me off on fifty cents worth of a bun?" they both jumped backwards like shocked to beyond belief that i could speak chinese. then they were like, "oh of course not." i just glared at them and said, "forget it. i don't want it. i'll go next door where ppl don't scheme on their customers for fifty cents". cause of course, in toronto, when there's one chinese bakery, restaurant, supermarket, ur damn sure that there's one right next door or across the street.
  6. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    lol @ hiake, 20 ppl, usually somebody, or someone, will push the door even when you're holding it, thats when u let go! but i like holding door for mature ppl more, cuz they actually have the decency (???) to say thank you -.-
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    That group of oversize pre-schoolers RUSHED through... They don't even have the decency to thank me <_<
  8. hehehe that is fucking epic. thats what i would have done if i knew how to speak chinese.

    where was this store? i dont want to get ripped =(
  9. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^haha. if thought chinatown, u thought right. i was buying stuff to bring home to family since i was visiting them. totally pissed me off for the rest of the day. the one on dundas heading towards bay. first one after the lights at dundas and spadina. dumbass place. walk like 3 seconds more down the street and get them at this fancy nice bakery place instead.
  10. ^ heh.. yea.. young girls... a lot of young girls piss me off lately..

    some girls i know think they are the most important person in the world. i mean, all they think about is themselves. one girl would bitch at your for little things. other girls just have no respect for older people

    and what i mean is, they treat elders as their equals, they talk to elders as if they are buddies, with a really impolite tone.. some girl i know promised to do something, and just completely goes back on her words..

    in fact, that same girl, who was a close friend before, is being a real bitch. shes like.. oh im in college now im better and less immature than before. and on some trip she fools around with boys. emphasis on boyS. when given the chance to drink alcohol, she downs a bottle of liquor. all she cares are parties, her looks, and herself.

    she asks why she keeps on losing friends. i bet she hadnt realized that she lost a few close friends within a few months. and when friends try to help her out, she either pretends she cant hear them, or she pulls off this lame excuse: "its because i cant change who i am".

  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't know, call me old fashioned, but I don't think very highly of girls who can't hold their liquor... I mean, if you can't drink, don't PRETEND and get pissed drunk and become a liability...

    But I think I am just bitter at brainless "fun", I can never deal with people who so readily lose control over a situation, then turn around and ask the responsible ones (yes, the ones who are holding their hair back when they puke their guts out) "why are you so up tight? get that stick out of your a**" or some shite like that.
  12. ^ see, thats the thing. i think old fashion girls are hot. and there arent many old fashion girls anymore.

    i only see up tight girls most of the time nowadays, and its not cool.
  13. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    I cannot agree more with you. I don't get these people either...where's the fun when you're already intoxicated? And you leave the sober ones to deal with your mess afterwards. Then you got the nerve to ask them to relax...geez! Get a life, people

    o_O Dann's expressing something here...
  14. what are you implying there?

  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I thought old fashion implies up tight (to a certain extent)... You confused me there... You think they are hot yet they are "not cool"?

    Okay, I am going to back up a bit, what's the difference between up tight and old fashioned girls?
  16. up tight = girls i was describing
    old fashion = not girls i was describing lol
  17. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Up tight = playing by the rules

    Old fashioned = bound by tradition
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Hmmmm, still don't see the difference besides terminology. -huh

    School's canceled YAY.
  19. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Up tight = Cheapass Bitches
    Old Fashion = Likes to follow traditional ways
  20. old fashioned, traditional, conservative girl = win.

    liberal, up tight, selfish, self-centered, unthoughtful, disrespectful bitches = not win.

    but liberal to a certain point can be win.