People can be such assholes

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Dan, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. Spike23qq

    Spike23qq Well-Known Member

    That is mean, ah wellz.. =) you should of reported them to the teacher lol
    run away hahaa
  2. what teachers lol

    this is university, profs dont give a rats ass about you -lol
  3. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    It's know, the place where you deal with petty things on your own and learn not to tell tales?? Lol
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, university rocks because aforementioned retarded people give you an additional incentive to overachieve: so that you can hire a hit man and take them down when you made it to the top -lol
  5. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    i hope i don't fit into that category D:
  6. lol i hear people on the internet and people in real life are totally different.

    until i meet you personally, i cant and wont judge =)
  7. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    so judging from here, what do you think?? lol
    am i talking too nonformal with you?? D:
  8. no, cuz you do nerd stuff. nerd = cool =)
  9. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    YAY!!! dann says i'm cool-cool

    BORNCHINESE Active Member

    LOL. Maybe those girls are lesbians?
  11. yo noob stop reviving old threads.
  12. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    gosh i cant believe all these stories im reading... gosh these ppl are horrible....
    but as you know karma
  13. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    i probably would have lost my job lol
    WHAT A BITCH!!!!!!!!


    ok well this isn't much but....

    one night i went to a uni bar with some friends but i didn't have my NUS card with me (in UK, NUS card is a student ID card basically) and so instead i had to pay £2 and sign in- i wasn't bothered about it because i expected to do that.... then the damn security guy was like ''why don't you have your card?'' well i thought he was just being friendly and asking so iwas like ''oh i had something to do at the beginning of term so didn't manage to pick it up and forgot about it'' and he replied ''oh well you know now you gota pay, why u making life harder for yourself? you;re wasting your time and mine time because YOU didn't pick up your card''................

    YO WTF MAN?????? he was so rude, i just gave the 'why-the-fuck-are-u-telling-me-this' look .. i mean like seriously there wasnt any queue or any shit, his job was a security guy- it's his JOB to sign ppl like me in the bar, DICKHEAD!!!!!!!!! diu.. and i know it's my loss that i didn't have my card with me... it would have been a nice gesture if he said it as if he were trying to help, but noooooo he just seemed like a twat and said it cause he had nothing else better to do... diu.

    little things like that piss me off, especially people like that.... then i get off on a cursing rampage hahahahahaaaa
  14. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    ^ say something like, "yo bro, this is probably the most action ur gonna get 2night... so why don't u just stfu and sign me in like ur supposed to eh?"

    or something like that... totally tell that pos off... being the greater asshole has it's perks sometimes ;)
  15. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    OMG I hate it when people don't hold the door too. I always look behind and help people hold the door. Its only right.. make our lives a lot easier.. they won't accidentally get hit by the door and I won't feel bad if they do. And I also hate it when people see people struggling or having trouble and not help them (i.e. have lots of bags, old age). Will it kill you to just spend that 2 minutes you use texting on your phone probably about some bullshit to help out someone? For example, a lot of my experience with this shit is when I take the bus. Now in SF they changed the bus design and stuff.. so the new bus' back door is a bit confusing to open compared to the older buses. When it first got changed I would see a lot of people that can't read the instructions on how to open the door because they can't understand english try to open the door by kicking or hitting it.. so I usually help them open it .. but the damn bus drivers and dumbass people on the bus just start yelling at them for kicking the door/slamming the door/taking too long to get off. WTF?? MAYBE IF YOU HELPED THEM THEY WOULDNT BE DOING THIS?????
  16. melovehongkong

    that super sucks... U should have like beyotch slap them and say wtf is ur problem? are you deaf?