good idea... get this n wait for GTA... show yall some combos of the game [youtube]tjO6NeXtrYg[/youtube] can't wait to try n master instant rev
Here's a vid review by For those who don't like to read :\
waitin for it to be released tomorrow so i can go and pick it i have too many ps3 games that i haven't had time to finish...need to stop buyin all the games and not finishing them...
Uh-Oh....Best gothic game ever!!!!! too bad there aint no virgil here. Virgil is the best character in all parts. They should've put him as the main character and his side story or sumthing. Glad i could play as virgil in part 3 tho; part 3 is the best outta all by far. Wateva, ill find a day to play this wit no regret, hopefully. DMC5 better include virgil as a playable character.
i gotta waittill april to get it for PC. somebody please spoil the story for me b telling me the conection between nero and dante. i cant wait that long.
hahah. the cool kids crowd are the ones who aregonna screw up their midterms and finals. ill wait it out till school is over.