陳冠希的道歉聲明短片(有線新聞): [youtube]CtRXCRA_89U[/youtube] Edison Chen (陳冠希) released a video message through his lawyers today. It was the first time the star had spoken publicly since sex photos purportedly of him, Gillian Chung (鍾欣桐), Bobo Chan (陳文媛) and Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝) started surfacing on the internet a week ago. In the video message filmed at an undisclosed location, Edison spoke in English directly to camera in front of a plain wall. He said: "I've decided to break my silence today and make this statement to the media and to all people involved in this strange ordeal. Recent documents being posted online have been intentionally hurtful and malicious not only to the victims but to our whole community. I have already handed matters over to the police and have been assisting them with this case from the first day onwards. Due to ongoing investigations, I am unable to comment any further upon this case. The lives of many innocent people have been affected by this malicious and criminal conduct, and in this regard I am filled with pain, hurt and frustration. I hereby use this opportunity to apologize to anyone who has been affected by this strange, strange ordeal. I now call upon everyone to help and assist the victims of this case. If you have ever downloaded any of these images, please do not forward them to anyone. Please do not send them to anyone. If you are still in possession of these images, I urge you to please destroy them immediately. Let's help the wounded heal their wounds. I urge you to help the victims and not make anything worse." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 陳冠希短片中說:「我今天打破沉默,發表這份有關聲明給所有傳媒,以及正在看這段影像的人,最近有一批相片放在網上流傳傷害了許多人,不但是有關的受害者,還有我們整個社會。事件第一天發生後,我已將此事交由警方處理,並一直協助他們;由於案件仍在調查中,我不能對此事作任何評論。很多人已因為這次可的刑事行為而受到影響,所帶來的痛苦、傷害及沮喪,我現趁此機會,藉這段特別的錄像片段,向所有受害人道歉,我亦希望所有人能幫助事件中的受害者,如果你也曾下載這些相片,請不要再傳給其他人。如果你仍擁有這些相片,我強烈請求你立刻毀滅它,這有助他們從傷痛中走出來。我請求你們幫助這些受害人,不要令情況繼續壞下去。」 陳冠希 道歉 (now 新聞) [youtube]2t-WHkyue_0[/youtube] More Info: ECD BLOG: http://www.clotinc.com/blogs/public/edc/ http://ent.sina.com.cn/f/hongkongps/index.shtml (chinese)
It's about time that Edison has come out to say something. But I would like to also use this opportunity to play devil's advocate. Okay here me out here, and don't start bashing me, just because I'm going to point this out. Yes, the acts that the criminals in question that broke into the computer in question to acquire these scandalous pictures should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But I ask this question, "Why were these pictures in question taken in the first place?" Who in the right mind, especially if you're a celebrity would take photos of yourself in a compromising position, when you fully know that the possibilities of somebody else attaining posession of such photos would be damaging to all parties involved? My next question is, if you're a celebrity, why are you just not buying another computer, instead of getting an old computer fixed. It's not like computers are expensive or anything. The people who did this, are obviously inhuman, however, the very fact that celebrities don't have the common sense to NOT take such pictures of themselves during such private moments is utterly suprising, ESPECIALLY when there are many other previous celebrities in the U.S. (mind you MUCH bigger, ie. insert any sex tape scandal here) with worse situations and bad press. Personally, I would NEVER take any pictures of myself in a compromising position whether or not if I'm a celebrity or a normal guy just for the very reason of pictures accidently being leaked. Facebook is paramount. So the FINAL lesson, that I think everyone here should learn is to keep your private moments private, and your memories to yourself. Thank you. -drsnoopy
i agree with dr snoopy. and personally i think it's too late for him to release a press video asking everyone to stop distributing the videos. i mean who cares.. the matter has already been blown out of proportion. everyone like to hear more and know more bout scandals like this and it's one of the biggest all time!! And btw, he looks so pathetic. and what's wif the hairstyle and his earrings??? acting like a good boy now?? U suck dude!
The damage is already done. Celebrities are human too but they should not put their fame and fortunes at risk. Look at all the has beens in Hollywood.
This whole ordeal has struck not just the individual victims but the whole of communities, I guess it's good that Edison break out of silence to put down any doubts on him.
LOL!! Paris Hilton was one rare exception. She got the looks, connections and unlimited cashflow to keep her afloat.
^^ No, it's because of values and morals in the USA compared to ASIAN cultures like in Hong Kong. I dont' care about Edison, and dont' know who should. I care about GILL, BOBO, and CECELIA? That's the main thing. This does nothing for Edison. Is he to admit the photos/vid caps of being real or fake?
urge to delete those pics? yeah right? as if those ppl are going to.....the ppl who saved em are -noclue in the first place... so what makes him think that their gonna delete em... they wont be like...ok ima delete cuz edison asked....right i reckon he should have known that the chance is very very very big that ppl are going to publish once their seen by others...=/ BAKAAAAA man remember that incident when the paparazzi took a pic of one of the twins and there was sucha big fuss... and now look at those pics...omg...yuck btw...man edison chen looks so bad =/ well...maybe it means their not???
the point is don't even the take the pictures in the first place ^ yea edison do look very bad if he is going to make a public message a least clean yourself up or something
rofl. has anyone seen the pics yet? it was more nasty than anything. all the ladies were not very well groomed, especially cecilia. holy shit, u could hide things in there. lol . my roomate and i couldnt stop laughing wen we saw that specific pic.
IMO she's not that good looking. Idk if it's just her stupidity that turns me off or w/e. Just hate her. Boo Hoo. The girls were stupid in the first place to take the pictures. It's their own fault. Not Edison only. And how is Edison not effected? People like you have been bashing him like crazy. I lol'd
eh w/e. damage has been done. why is he making a statement now is beyond me. where was he when it first happened? notice how he never actually comes out and says the pics are fake. kinda makes one wonder.... anyways, espresso bunny, why care about those girls? no offence, but if they are real, then why feel bad for them? u are responsible for ur own actions. regardless of whether u like it or not. shoulda known that edison is as dumb as a log and should have told him to f*ck off from the very beginning then getting involved with this loser.
he looks very miserable in that video...or they try to make him look like that to get you to feel sorry for him ; ]
then he should get a face replacement cause i will NEVER feel bad for this guy. his dumbass thinking and actions can't be felt with pity and sympathy. if anything, i would like to kick him in the face a couple of times. omg...i hate this guy.