Edison Chen speaks out about scandal in Video Message

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by SUSIE-DANG-1988, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    its not fake, its been confirmed. edison was stupid enoughtot ake his computer for repair with over 16000 pictures nude pics in it.
  2. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    ^ that is kinda stupid he didn't care that anyone was going to look through it . eventhough he knew that those photos were in there like he purposely did this . shame on him -nono . edison is pretty stupid
  3. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    wel what i thnk is that he wasnt able to turn hjis computer on so he coudlnt get the pics deleted. or he simply forgot they were there.. all these problems could be solved by simply dumping his comp and buynig a new one. HES RICH!
  4. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    ^ yes! exactly ! some little stupid mistakes that could be easily solved turned into something bigger. he could have just deleted the pics
  5. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    but the girls were stupid to let him take pics ofthem doing these things. they should know that these images cou easily be stolen or hacked.
    i just realized thats why drsnooopy said. yeah well i agree with eveything he put 0-.-
  6. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    how does one just forget they have 16000 porn pics on their comp?
  7. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    ^^true but going way back why would you even get with edison like that is nastey
  8. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    they werent taken recently, and iguess porn pics isnt the first thing he thought about wen his comp got busted.
  9. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^w/e. i'm beginning to think he did it on purpose. thinking if he did, everyone will think he is the man or something. u don't forget about stuff like this. like he said, this stuff ruins ppl lives. he knew wat was at stake.
  10. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    i am not making excuses for his actions. He was obviosuly quite stupid, but i honestly doubt he would do such a thing on purpose. This screws him over too. and its is quite easy to forget about taking pictures in the past. Im sure u dont think abuot the pictures on ur computer constantly. there are pictures that i took with my friends tat i forgot were there until i looked thru my folder( sorry folks, none were sexually explicit). and sometimes u dont atually forget u took those photos, u justdont think about them. i certainly dont. once i take a photo, i think abothem maye once every 5 years
  11. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    but the pictures that he had where like nude ones you don't forget about those
  12. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    well he most likely didnt FORGET that he had those fotos. i dont know how to explain this, but it probably wasnt at the top of his mind...... say over the course of a year, u dont wash ur clothes. and u buy new clothes every single day and toss them onto th floor in one big pile. 6 months later, u decide to finally wash ur clothes and u give it to your mom to wash. unfortunately for u, the very first shirt u wore, had a picture of a giant penis on it. U must likely didnt forget that u had this shirt, but u didnt thnk aboutt it wen u gave it to ur mom to wash.
  13. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    i'm not arguing in a mad way okay? keep this in mind. i'm just trying to say this really really calmly. i get ur point but at the same time, it is just incomparible to his situation. i'm sorry it is. pics that one takes from time to time and clothes does NOT compare to nude pics. NUDE PICS OF CELEBRITIES. u don't forget about stuff like that. yeah i have clothes i dont remember buying or owning. and yeah i have pictures i don't remember taking. but they aren't comparable to nude pictures. okay fine...i give u the benefit of the doubt of being human. then maybe if it was a couple of pics. but NOT 16000 of them. this guy obviously has a fetish for this. omg, the disgustingness that is edison chen.
  14. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    i was never arguing lol . i am just stating my personal opinion as well as belief. i dont think either of us are mad. After all, this situation will not affect us in any way. If u were offended by my posts then i apologize. I enjoy stating my opinions for other people to see and evaluate. People should be given the chance to see both sides.
  15. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ^^ cool. as long as we are on good terms.
  16. jameschanny

    jameschanny Active Member

    Wow what an idiot all scripted nothing come from the heart. I wonder if any girl will sleep with him after this?
  17. fallenheart

    fallenheart Member

    there might be girls still willing to sleep with him but she'll make sure to check out for hidden cameras before starting their bedroom actions. XD
  18. slee

    slee Active Member

    i really don't understand how he managed to sleep/ bag all them girls when he's an ugly, arrogant £$£%$£$$%. This certainly will teach him a lesson to not be full of himself & get his head right out of his own arse.
    What a complete idiot.
  19. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol Even Celebs have Stuff on the old computers too ? Maybe the Comp was a Gift or something , maybe it had something important on it ? the fact is that , The People who stole the images , hosted it online which broke their Job Ethics, lol its not just a matter of Buying a new computer , its a Matter that he had documents that the ppl shoudnt have browsed at because that would break the Rules of their job.
  20. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    The speech seems like he's reading it off paper! This doesn't sound like Edison, the way he talks. If you read his blog then you will know. Also it's EVERYONE'S fault not just Edison! The girls - for letting Edison to take pics. Edison - for takings pic and saving it on his computer. Uploader - for saving the pics on his computer and uploading it. Something called privacy!! But what stupid is why the hell does eidson want to take pics?! it's sick and what the hell you want to save it until now - when they all in the past and gone!!! All them girls moved on now.....

    And also if the pics are NOT real then Edison would have said something right? I mean if that was me, and I know that the pics was not real i would definetly say it staright away that it isn't real! But Edison didn't.... so this also proves that is IS real and he also didn't deny it too!!

    And computer got hacked, lost his phone and now took computer to a repair shop is all bullsh*t! I mean who really know hey?? Even though the hk police are looking everywhere in the repair shop!