wow... looks like the pics r real... the more action u take the more curious ppl r... even my dad's asking me if i've seen the pics... if u wanna get over this ASAP just play it cool like Paris Hilton
And I thought HK was one of the greatest places to be in.... looks like HK people can't respect others. Celebs are humans too. They have the rights to respect and privacy. They aren't some dogs for shows. I don't get why people like to look at those pictures over and over again. I get that Edison was careless, if that repair shop story is true. But, the problem isn't taking the pictures. A lot of couples do that nowadays. The problem is HK society's sick curiosity. And the tabloids are satisfying it by going a bit further each time. Why are HK people so interested in looking at nude pictures of their celebs? Who cares if Gillian or Cecilia has a bush or not. It's just seriously disgusting. Plus, it was rumored that Gillian tried to kill herself because of this incident. If that's true, I hope HK tabloids and the people buying their magazines will feel guilty. Don't they know what empathy means? HK, you disappoint me. *shakes fist* On this matter, I prefer the Americans. Britney's no underwear incident or Paris's sex tape, those stories didn't even last a week or at most two.
@ the bold text. I lol'd And the rumor was a fabrication of the media and idiotic fans. Plus to answer your question about people wanting to see nude pictures of celebs. You answered it yourself. Because we are human. People want to see what they want, but can never have. People in America do it so why not people in HK? Are they not human as well? I don't think it's fair to be bashing the people of HK for that. Even though it is a little perverted
well it is possibly because most of these things don't happen like everyday in HK. like we don't have a Britney that just does all these stupid things every single day
i dun think it's HK ppl's sick curiosity... i doubt my naked pics would make the headline... if ppl dun get curious abt a celeb then he/she isn't very successful... it's human nature... Paris' sex tapes were once the most searched topic on google... n i'm pretty sure all those who bought the dvd watched more than once n share it around... that's just as sickening... n no one wants to look at Brit coz she's gross (sorry Brit fans) i think the most sickening person in this whole thing is Edison... i understand a lot of ppl takes sex pics of each other... but those girls and himself r celebs for goodness' sake... if he had any consideration he wouldn't have taken them... n y the hell did he keep over 1000 pics in his comp if he's dating Vincy?? so he pull up the pics every now n then to perve at those girl?? he should b sorried for wot he's done... the girls r ignorant for taking the pics... but Edison is as guilty as those exposed them...
lol this is still the hottest news Geez when will it cooldown lol, lol i mean if he didnt take the comp to the Computer shop then it prob wouldnt have Leaked out =P then it can all be a sercet ....... but whats the fuss, i mean its not like celebs arent allowed to have sex, its just the way that the magazines write about it and etc,
i dunno abt u... but i find it sick to know a guy that would keep sex pics of his ex... i find it sleazy n disrespectful his current gf n ex...
There is sane curiosity and sick curiosity. Sane would be to know about how they are doing in the industry, their coming plans, etc. Sick is this, wanting to intrude into their private life, see what kind of underwear to have, etc. Do the HK people feel sad about what's happening to them or say "Good for them. They deserve it. Dirty people."? Celebs are humans too. They have the same right to do things no matter what their job is. If the society wasn't interested in looking at those kinds of pics, the tabloids wouldn't publish them. Besides, weren't those picture taken years ago anyways? About Paris sex tapes, no DVD was made. It was some video she took that got leak over the net..... I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who wanted it to be there. >_>;
seems like he's putting all the blame onto other people- expected. and does this even sound like an apology? how insincere can you get!.. obviously he has tried to rmb reading sth off by heart, or probably reading it from the camera, he looks like a fob in that too.
errrr... there is a Paris sex DVD... i think it's called something like 1 Night in Paris... or 1 Night With Paris... i'm not saying the vics r dirty ppl n i do feel sorried for them... i'm just saying they r careless n somewhat ignorant... celebs do have the rites to do anything they want... but they need to b extra careful of wot they do because they r celebs... they attract attentions... taking those pics put them at great risk n it's their choise... they can't always depend on other ppl's morality to maintain the image they're projecting... that's part of their job... most straight guys love to c naked pics of women anyway... not to mention they r pics of attractive celebs n i'm pretty sure the vics r sexual fantasies of a lot of young men... i'm not encouraging this behavior... i just think it's understandable... if the dudes only exposed Vincy's sex pics then yeah i feel sorry for both of them... it's something a passionate couple would do... but no... there're over 1000 pics of different celebs... that just tells me Edison is a sick pervert... if u think the HK ppl r sick for wanting to c the pics then Edison is just as bad if not worse... the exposure of the pics is very unfortunate... n i blame Edison the most for keeping it in his computer for putting those girls in risk...
yapp heard that too... imagine when u are gill, would you go out? HK ppl are "hou bak gwar"... when they see gill, what do u think will happen...? : )
so uh did any of them ever come out and say that those photos are actually themselves? Or did they deny the whole thing? 'Cause totally willing to forget it all happened...
Very well that she is trying to avoid the public but her record company should not have issued a statement saying the pics are fake! If even edison hasnt come out to say that they are fake, how can Gillian's company stil keep up the pretence that she is soooo innocent? Its not fair that ppl are saying that gillian is smart for avoiding the public but when edison did it, people slated him for it! How comes ppl are only sympathetic to the female celebs but not edison as well? *weird world*
i agree with above statement. Whenever someone scanadlous happens, the male always takes the blame, and people tend to side with the female. THis is the same in every day life. ihave personal experience with it. Even though something isnt entirely your fault, yuo have to take the whole blame anyways, because no1 would believe you anyways. Also, i find that stories tend to twist facts around so that it always favours the female. This is possibly because females are likely the one to spread the word about what happened, and of course the make themselves sound better.