guys, i need some outside perspectives on something... im supposed to write an essay on cyberlaw, more specifically, write arguments for legal backing up of music files, and against backing up of music files. all the legislations, bills and acts ive searched up allows one person to make one single copy of an electronic file for personal use. but the thing is, i cant think of any reasons and arguments that argues to preventing such backing up... so what im thinking now, if a user wants to back up a song for archiving, why not let them? what have the owners of the song have to lose if the user only backs up, and not distribute it? any outside perspectives on this?
P2P file sharing programs, great way of sharing music files without you noticing Hope that helps @evil_mui: don't say that in chinese new year @bbear: is lacking sleep making you write in capss...=.=" To everyone: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!
lol HE posted pictures. i posted text -lol good luck holmes. im praying that the weather keeps up its shit so i dont have to drive to mississauga.
relate back to the Edison Sex Scandal... Do to the increasing amount of computer hackers, people are more susceptible to having their personal files obtained. As with the latest Edison Chen sex scandal, hackers are able to revive deleted files for their own personal usage. -cool2 uff school... yo get that devil may cry for PS3!!
damn utm and snow day lol...ut and utsc didn't get snow day lol r u foreals? i didn't even beat the 3rd one yet lol
utm didnt get a snow day lol i just skipped. same difference? lol youre talking to a computer science major -lol
some1 told me that utm had snow day michelle u live in like cali rite..........damn u and ur hot waether!!!