I have been in a relationship with my gf for almost 1 year. Recently she started to judge my height. She said I am short, skinny, and all types of excuse. I am 5' 10 and weight 155lb. Do i consider short? I just don't get her point.-censored
damn, that's not bad at all, wth? im 5'11 140 i don't consider my self skinny, is it that u have no muscle?
I think that's average height for a guy... unless you live in Norway. Heard average height goes above 6 foot. :/ How tall is your gf? Maybe she just wants you to build up those pectorals and muscles but is using a pretty crappy way to tell you.
there are plenty of guys thats shorter than you (my self included). Either she thinks your out of shape or she is attracted to someone else
my gf is about 5'4 to 5'5. I dont think i want to hear anymore of her comments, i might try to break up with her. Troublesome....
Your loving relationship with her had ended with her questioning a physical quality for which you can do absolutely nothing about. You will not be able to tolerate her as she will continue to moan about things and make impossible demands. There is nothing you can do about your height and this is an excuse for her to justify why she does not like you anymore. Until your love for each other had progressed these tangible qualities (height, money, whiteness of teeth, parents' approval...) will be inhibitors to fostering a loving relationship. To put this candidly, your issue is not the height, it is your love.
if she judges and criticize you than obviously there is something wrong in your relationship. when a girl is in love with you, they only see the good and even the bad is good in their eyes.
Before to be with you ,she know what is your height ;Why she judge and critizise your height now ? So i think the real problem is not your height but something else
erm together for a yr, ur height and weight is just an excuse for an arguement, something else would be wrong. As for ur height and weight - dnt sound like a prob. to me, y have a prob. with it nw and not b4 wen u only started to go out?