the scandal surrounding edison is just so weird...some say he was blackmailed, some say he did it on purpose. well, it sucks to be him right now since the movie is pushed back lol
lol, i also heard yu chiu , was in this as well, along with a load of other celebs, but you gotta admit that , 奇拿 is getting pretty big ^^
i thinnk image is really important in HK i mean stuff like pamela anderson doin a sex tape doesnt affect her that much
image is important everywhere man. maybe it'll make ah gil even more famous like it did paris hilton >> and pam anderson was a playboy girl in the first she has lots of scandalous pics everywhere.
hmm he would make a good trunks in dbz, on the other hand, find someone young, with nice hair, and a nice face, and pretty much there's your trunks