Bring him on experience trip; like a day out on a hot air balloon or picnic somewhere special. Memories created are worth a lot more then things. You can lose them (....well not usually....) and they can't be stolen. It'll bring a smile to your face every time you think about it.
ecko, if u have a gf, i feel bad for her cause obviously, she'll never be able to get u stuff u like. haha
so instead u just randomly put in stuff that comes to mind? hope ur friends don't come to u for advice.... friend: "what should i give my mom for her bday?" ecko: "weed"
cocaine as in sell it for double the profit.. get with the times here lee.-lee... and just what do you get your boyfriend?
buy gifts for him??? pfffft...he should count his lucky starts that he has me. -tongue2 don't say bf. bf's suck at this moment. all boys suck at this moment.
omg LMAO this would be the great gift j/k a ps3 is too expensiv.... maybe an unforgetable dinner with him
aww mm k.. you're not feeling appreciated... so what kinda gift needs to be given in a situation like this...
DIAMONDS!!! ..... ..... actually right now...i could go for something really really yummy...omg..i've been like dying for a viet dying...nah, i'd rather have diamonds.