Edison Chen Koon Hei's ex-girlfriend, Bobo Chan had retired from the entertainment industry and was intending on marrying into high society. However due to the recent online circulation of pornographic images of Bobo and Edison, her marriage plans may be wrecked. Bobo's emotional state has been shaky and did not emerge from her home for several days. Allegedly, Bobo may have traveled to the United States to de-stress. She will also be meeting with her current boyfriend, Gam Ji Yiu, who works overseas. Perhaps Bobo may be attempting to repair her relationship with Mr. Gam? Gam's close friend, Jong Yau Kin, had a horse scheduled for a race yesterday. Mr. Jong himself did not appear at the horse race, but his colleague, Mr. Au Yeung, was his representative. Regarding rife rumors that Bobo's marriage plans may be wrecked, Mr. Au Yeung said, "I have not heard of them." (When will Bobo and Mr. Gam get married then?) "I don't know. Mr. Gam is feeling very calm despite the situation." "I spoke to Mr. Gam during the Lunar New Year. Although I don't know Bobo too well, but she is a polite and good-natured woman. Please do not continue to write gibberish about her. She is a good person!" Did Bobo's sex scandal detract from her good image? "I don't want to judge her." credits: Dramasian.com
well, she shouldn't have been taking the pics anyway...and i'm not too sure she wants to get married anyway, what's she's doing with a new bf when she was suppossed to get married?? sorry, but she gets no sympathy from me.
Interesting, so you won't date any non-virgins? <_< There aren't enough virgins to go around for that attitude.
ah....that's how a cok sucker looks like with clothes on -lol -whistle dont worry ..someone would still take u -lol -whistle
i thnk it will be quite sad if they breakup the news is evrywhere now i guess she cant ever marry a rich guy again
ooooh dude.... dont they all... i bet 1000000 of boys'dreams are probably destroyed with these pics-dead
shouldn't judge the girl... they had sex they took pics.. so what? a lot of ppl do it just got leaked into the public that's all. what's the big deal anyways? i dont really get it and so what if she gave him some oral loving? going down on someone is pretty much natural.. and pregnant porn.. that's just wrong..