Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Dec 30, 2007.

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  1. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    YES I AM!!! i am sooooooo giddy about it, i can hardly sleep. 2 more days!!! sooooo excited. floor seats baby.
    kdot, i'm gonna come find u!!! u better hook me up with some free food. or else, i'm gonna tell
    everyone on PA how much u suck. hahahahahhaha
  2. high and epic chats
  3. time to talk philosophy
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ YO!!! imma go!!!!! omg!! r u gonna buy me a drink!!!!!! they have smirnoff and wine and beer ;) tryin to get some hook ups for food and 30% off tim hortons... but its kinda hard cause only liek 30ppl r working and it goes by senority so i konw like 3 ppl working that day..but imma b there at 7...if milkshake stand opens i'll trade u ice cream for smirnoff =p
  5. lol high ang:

    whats more epic than pedo bear, megazords, ultraman and power rangers chats? -lol
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fuck then find a way to explain why a human mind is actually normal when you get high and we be controlled by the matrix when we not high or something ha...radical dude.-coolio
  7. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!!!. sure i'll treat u, if u can get it for free. hahahhaha....
    but honestly, i've never eaten or drank when i go to a concert. when i went to andy's concert like 4 years
    ago, i spent the entire 3 hours screaming. soooooo excited....what tickets u have?
    good ones? or are u getting in for free cause u work there? if u are, i'm am SOOOO jealous.
    my tickets cost soooo much. i didn't pay for it but still...too much money. yaaahhhh EASON. he
    better sing 'under fuji mountain' or imma write him a letter of complaint.
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^yo you guys gotta start a mosh pit or something...a concert is not the same without one.... lucky ass canadians...but what if he did that one show where he was semi getting it on with the dudes (photos of the hk one haha)
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i can't get free alcohol!! its illegal to give or offer discount on alcohol r u still getting me a drink for ice cream =p.........u have no idea how much alcohol is sold at rock concerts.. like A LOT!! asian concers r boring cause ppl drink water instead of beer..i dot know y im goin lol..i dont know wat seat i friend getting it...and ya...imm tlk to some ushers..if there some good empty seats tell them to hook me up..and i never get any discounts on tickets especially non acc related shows..i only get 20% off raptors =p

    that aint' gonna happen or else ill sue him lol
  10. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    that's fine. i'm cool with it. as long as he performs my song, eason can do w/e he wants. yaaaa eason!!!

    wat u mean illegal? at milestones, they always had drink specials. and clubs have it too. doesn't matter, i won't be drinking. so drinks are craaaaazy expensive and u want me (who is oh-so-poor) to buy u a drink? the concert is not sold out? lucky u, having connections. i can't complain though, i have damn good seats.
    hey! buy me raptors tickets. i wanna go!
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    welll special and discount r different..cause discount is after the price that is selling.........but u have a job and u're still a student rmember....ill buy u pop lol which is $4..but with my looks i can get it for free ;) heheheheheh jks jks....i think smirnoff is like 9 for a bottle which they pour into a cup and beer is EXPENSIVE but healthy...ppl will notice u!!!........chinese concert r never sold out even jacky's wasn't...EWW y u wanna watch raptors!!!! i can only affor 300 level tickets for u lol....the 100 level tickets go to me =p
  12. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    my god...$4 dollars for pop!!! pffft....forget that. i'm just gonna pack drinks in my purse along with my vietnamese bun...muahahahhahaha... kidding kidding. i'm not ballin'. i have to save up a hundred grand in the next 2 years for law school. so poor i have to pick up a second part time.
    i wanted to go to jacky's concert. was really disappointed i missed it.
    kdot, poohead. share the tickets!!! i'm not a raptor's fan. but it's something to do u know? day to day life is
    just so boring.
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol 100 grand for law skoool?? WTFFF wow!! when u're a lawyer u better remember me....if i see you on tues ill try to hook u up....u want tim hortons? hahahahaha anywyas i got spanish test tomoro and 20% assignment due at 3 which i need to do after tao!!! and jacky's concert was like mandarain songs! so boring..i havne't even been to raptors game lol..i allways work so ya...i wanna go to leafs game instead!! when i get more tips ill get u a ticket lol
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahaha...i know...i couldnt get in the office this weekend building access card yet.....:p

    anyways...i take good care of my fishies... their in a nice bowl, i feed em twice a day and they have pump thingy and water conditioners etc....their being pampered
    i mean...dude...i remember when i was little and had feed em whenever i remembered and they didnt have no pump or water was old skool lol
  15. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    sigh..the stress of school...gosh, i actually miss it. good luck on ur assignment and test tomorrow.
    why the heck are u taking spanish? wine class, cheese class, cooking class, spanish....what ever happened
    to the basic science, math, and english? haha. anyways, yeah good luck.
    work hard on getting those tips. buy me a ticket and i'll buy u a CASE of beer k? -bigclap
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol get lee lee's lawyer ass to sue him....-devil

    lol that's how i took care of my fishes, the old skool way and sadly they died pretty damn quick:(
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ You starve them if you want them to live -lol
  18. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    angie, ur fishies have it better than me.haha
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    awww...whats the matter lee lee...sounds like ur looking after urself pretty well...=)

    i have an orange and black fish...and the fatty orange fishy is always eating a lot whereas the black ones a bit slow... so either the black one is dying first cuz he doenst get enough food or the orange one is dying first cuz shes gettin too fatty
  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    what that sounds evil -tongue2

    awww lee lee feel's un-cared for....
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