Hmmm....I read this news article almost 10x already and I still am a little iffy about Gillian's statement. I guess Gillian is trying to say that she had done stupid things when she was younger?!?! And now she's admitting that these pictures are in fact real and that she's sorry about them? I'm not sure what to think about this. But as long as Gillian knows that taking such pictures is wrong and that it's not so fun, then I'm all good. Still supporting Gillian and Twins!
Judging from the look of those photo, they are at most 3-4 years old, so she was like what? 23? She wasn't THAT young then, good job for the scriptwriter for coming up with this impressive, albeit pointless, declaration. Probably just hoping people and the media will go away in regards of this scandal and everyone can move on while keeping her tired, innocent image. It's quite fascinating, isn't it? That a speech THAT long can mean next to nothing... I hope we can just move on... This piece of news is so tired from all the spinning. I am sure, they have no better story to sell the papers. LOL, my sentiment exactly. We hear what we want to hear from her speech. She didn't outright ADMIT that those photos are of her... Then she moves onto how this scandal is poisoning the well (or whatnot)... Kind of late to play the high-and-honourable card, don't you think?
Poor Girl... wish so, everything will over soon.. i felt she and others victim is pity lo.. to meet such thing..
I think it's beaten up enough. People just wanted these clean cut image profiles to admit and come to the media. Once she's done it, it'll settle down a lot more. There has been no question about the authenticity of the photo. It's shocking that a PRIVATE matter was leached out in this way, especially involving the celebs. She does look younger when she took the pictures, but that's not the point. Having it exposed as shame is what's worse.
Well, at least she admitted to hermistake, right? After all, we are all human and we do make mistakes.. even celebrities do..>.< And it's not really her fault that the pictures got leaked onto the net..
^ She didn't do it fast enough... I would have a little bit more respect for her if she had own up to this whole thing earlier.
here's to her dockor spin...and acting. celebrity front, private life...she plays a mean game of "dr jekla and ms hyde" cant trust her anymore...evil... didnt finish watching her speech, but i wonder how long it took her practice that bs... and how much they paid off the "fans in the back" for support #$@#$@34 -whistle
She stuffed up, she apologised and learn from her mistakes, lets move on. Her image won't be dampen too much as Twins has one of the largest fan base and supporters celebs.
she could be worse, only means she is good at hiding her dark side. most celebs are dark, like michelle reise that bitch is very low in real life
-grumble -grumble she is associated with gil... -grumble -grumble okay okay...i support gillian !!! ...i support gillian 's porn pics -whistle -whistle
Oh this is great now with this scandal the HK society has hit the rock bottom if they really buy this bullcrap, and media manipulation. I was young naive and foolish, now i've grown up. I tell that to my dad and he probably beat the crap out of me for saying that i've just grown up at the age of 27. She clearly spread her legs and smile at the camera, i don't know if that is being naive or just being plain slut. Of course we know Gill has slept with Albert, Jackie and probably half of the EEG top executives to be where she is now. The sad part is the people on the background shouting "Support You!!!" they were probably paid by EEG to do the chanting. I really hope HK people are not naive and foolish and not buy into this crap. She has sex like everyone else, just because her pictures got leaked now we make a great deal of it. I never heard about the other 3 girls. Must suck not being famous in HK.
I think this is the best Gillian can do....She cant deny it is not her.....Hope this will not affect Twins so much...
@adrianc: ur view has changed? dude just cuz she took pics while she had mean u did know she was sexually active right? or did u think she was as stupid and cute as she acts great.....hopefully everyone can move on with their lives and stop the bitching and crying now.... btw...that chick looks shitty :S
How ironic, she was crying when a magazine took pictures of her changing clothes now she smiles after her pics of her being naked with legs wide open are flooding on the internet :stickpoke:-_-2