Do You Like Eason Chan?

Discussion in 'Chinese Male Artists' started by shizznit, Feb 15, 2008.


Do you like him?

  1. Yes

    52 vote(s)
  2. No

    33 vote(s)
  1. some of you based entertainers on looks too much... he's a singer and a entertainer... he's good at both.....eason may not be the best looking guy but he has so much character and of course Great voice. Eason's good!! he's the only HK artist that i can listen to on a DAILY bases.
  2. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    why are we dissing eason now? just because he doesn't have hot looks?
    who cares? eason is awesome. he's got an adorable smile. he's cute, in his
    own way. his talent makes him attractive. no look on earth can beat talent/brains.
  3. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    haah Yeah, me too. I was looking at this hat and then one or two songs later, I just realized it was see through XDD Never seen something like that lol. Yeah, I like his dancing, but he didn't dance THAT much. maybe like 4 or 5 songs... would have wanted to see more of it. I saw a picture of him at the autograph session and he looked really tired.... He was wearing those fur hat lol.

    We are not dissing or trying to diss Eason. Love him too much for that XD But, if you went to his concert in TO, you would understand what we are talking about.... :/
  4. eilin

    eilin Member

    i luv his songs.. but hm.. true with that 'act weird' thingie
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    he kept sining on the top of the stairs and looking behind the boringg..bad introooo lol.....and did u undersatnd the videos he had?? the ones in who speaks mandarin ther lol jksjsk.... would u really wait for hrs just to get his autograph and a pic of him in a fur hat?? =p

    we love eason so much that we can critisize for the dissapointment that we paid to support him hahahah .. if that made any wat i heard on the show " life of ryan"....." you are teh most love and the most hated skateboarder" which can apply to eason hating is normal =)
  6. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    The sketchy one? I understood a bit since I took some mandarin classes at school. He was saying this concert was a continuation of What's going on concert and can't remember the rest XDD Yeah, gotta agree, it wasn't the greatest intro of all.... Thought the overture wasn't enough to get into the concert mood. Iono.. was missing something. :/

    And...yes, I would have waited to get his autograph XD
  7. leehkfan

    leehkfan Well-Known Member

    i cant really comment on him as a singer, but he's made some good movies
  8. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i think eason is a wicked singer. great voice, much better than a lot of hk artists.
  9. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    heyy u didn't post any pics or vids yet!!!! he was missing me! lol..i wanna be on stage doin my thing heheheheheehehehe.....wat eason stufff do u have anyways???? u seem like his no1 fan lol

    and which movie r u tlkin about?
  10. leehkfan

    leehkfan Well-Known Member

    i liked his movies Love Battlefield, Visible Secret, and 12 Nights
  11. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    lol too lazy to post piccies or vids :p I don't have much from Eason, just his Admit It CD. I was gonna buy his newest CD (the one that came into a Tshirt folder and in different colors) in HK, but it was 115$HK. Then, I just thought I could buy it in Guangzhou but for one third of the price, but it didn't come out in Guangzhou while I was still there. T_T I like him and his music, but I wouldn't consider myself to be a hardcore Eason fan XDD

    I really liked his acting in Brothers. :)
  12. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    well his newest cd listen to eason chan isn't that great in my opinion. his admit it cd was way better so its prob a gd thing that u didn't get it.
  13. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    Eason Chan is a great singer, not sure about acting but the lastest movie I saw him act was in Brothers. He was great in it.
  14. sel2102

    sel2102 New Member

    EASON is one of the best singers in HK!!!!!
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다 some pics!!!!!! u know friend let me borrow the hk concert snce he bought it original...and wat i was tryin to look for was if the guy is black or not lol...he really looked black during the ACC concert but he looked asian too..i couldn't figure it out..but now i know he's not black =p....... o ya..there was like NO eason merchandising at ACC rite??? isn't there stores in mtl chinatown where u can buy eason stuff posters or cd's....y don't u go make ur own store =p
  16. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    I can't stand him either. His new stuff is wacked, all that crazy techno stuff. Only his older humble days were good.

    Now he thinks he's so good and everything. I remember two years ago on Chik Chak, Eason had a fit and was all pissed because he lost to 古巨基
  17. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye his music was better a few years ago, especially the song bike. i loved that song. its just the techno stuff that i don't rele like personally.
  18. chco115

    chco115 Member

    i like him...he has a pretty good voice..
    btu i guess is just an opinion
  19. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    Which guy was black? Eason?? o_O Didn't appear to me that he would look black at all. lol

    Nope, didn't see any at the concert. If there was, it probably would have been at the autograph session. Buy it and get it autographed. :p Mm... not really, if not, they are waaaayyy overpriced, since they are probably copies from China and not from HK. haha I should do that. There's nada places to get good chinese singers posters around here. So sad DD:
  20. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ one of the the begggin.ther wer 4 male dancers....he had afro.....omg... u have to remember!!!!!!!!!!! french chinese singers lol...thast funny......i wonder if chinese celebs would go to that chaintown =p...eason would get beat up there =p...its so smallll