ehe i don't post often but there's this question in my mind. A guy in my school, looks a bit like nicholas teo bwha. People say to me "he likes you" but then the next thing I see is him chatting up with this older girl and walking past and ignoring me. he does the following: 1)sit with me at recess/lunch sometimes 2)randomly hugs & puts arm around 3)playful kiss attempt 4)we talk quite a lot 5)he copies me 6)flirts with people... 7)take photoes together 8)pretends to kiss in photoes but he's really flirty, even if people say I'm treated different from othr girls I can't help noticing this. Like they way he talks to older girls. so just HOW do you know if a flirtyflirty person likes you?
Does he do the treat other girls the same way he treats you in your perception? IMO, based on what you said, you seem to be a buoy when hes not around the older girl. If he really likes you, he wouldnt be ignoring you for the other girl.
well it is hard to tell if he is just messing around with others.... and this situation wouldn't matter that much if you didnt like him.... seeing as you seem so concerned im guessing you are considering it and if anything if the boy likes you then he will eventually act on it..... so don't let anything get to you and be patient, by his future actions you will be able to determine his feelings
first off. how old? guys have diffeent ways of showing it at different ages. which i saw the word recess, i automatically assume that ur in elemtnary school. in which case,m the best to tell if the guy liikes you, is if he makes fun of u and teases u a lot. that age, I spent a lot of my time looking at my crush. You could try randomly checking to see if this is the case
I don't think he likes you enough to be in a relationship with you. It sounds like he's over-confident and playing around too much.
tbh u don't seems to me he is quite a flirty person and is more playful than anything else. besides hugs are hardly a sign of liking u, its more a friendly gesture thats wat i see it as.
lol since the question is how to know if he likes me , what if you want to know if a girl likes you? same rules apply?