Love vs Religion

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by SugaCutie0, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    nah, i wouldnt be interested in her.
  2. wouldn't, aint gona be good in the long run unless the person decides to follow your religion (Christianity) genuinely.
  3. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    erm, im not devoted to a religion so it wouldnt matter to me. But i doubt i would give up the person i love cos of religion. Put it this way, if you give up the person you love and treat you great and end up with a person of proper religious background that is crap to you or even just in a dead end marriage, i knw i'll regret it.
  4. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    i guess your point is valid to some extent, but there is a freedom of choice that exists in Christianity.. there are no "proper religious background".. just a genuine person with a healthy relationship with Jesus, and you can tell by the actions that person makes.

    its different.. and very difficult to explain.
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol too easy
  6. realazyjai

    realazyjai Well-Known Member

    Just ways to talk more people into Christianity imo. My girlfriend is Christian, and yes she did hesitate at first because I'm a non believer. I don't see why the bible should make such a big deal about this issue
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    what if she looks something like this:


    now who wouldn't abandon jesus for her, hyori's such a sexy devil...-kekemad
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    man, even if she was a hardcore satanist id still go out with her lol.

    fuck religion, hyori is win.
  9. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    in my opinion, people are not talked into Christianity, it is more of a choice to accept Him to walk with you through life.

    also, it has very little to do with the bible as to who we choose to be in a relationship with, it has more to do with the Christians themselves as to what decisions they make on a daily basis.
  10. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    haha in my opinion, looks fade as feelings fade.. have you ever grown out of "love"? and to abandon Jesus for something rather superficial.. well, its up to the person i guess.
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    I would think jesus as pretty superficial in my eyes...the idea of jesus is god.....and "walking with jesus is the way of life".... actually i can't really explain what i just said in any deeper so ignore it if you want. or i may already be wrong on that....

    but i think the term "walking with jesus is the way of life" is really contradictory....because the only way to actually ever "walk with jesus" is when your dead....or you can mean walking as believing, but i mean believing in the basically doing "good" and following the ways of christianity so that you can "go to heaven"........when your dead. Jesus is dead, Hyori is life. If i had a choice between humping (or you can possibly say lovin'?) a corpse or hyori....fuck necrophilia...i chose hyori. -evil and oh yea how would you ever love jesus....the definition of love is very questionable there.
  12. taichi2134

    taichi2134 Member

    It doesn't matter, but down the line I think conflict will arise. If the discussion ever gets heated then the relationship is bound to fail but if the partners are understand of each other and don't force the subject too much then I don't foresee a problem.
  13. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    I guess from a non christian point of view, what you have said is very valid and very true.

    However, from a christian's point of view..

    Lets discuss this in two parts..

    i) Jesus is dead, or is he?
    Why do we celebrate Easter?
    We celebrate Easter becoz Jesus resurrected from the dead, he came back to life and showed us that he died for us on the cross so that we could have a chance to free ourselves from our sins

    This is why Jesus is NOT dead. he died on the cross, yet resurrected days later. Jesus is alive, and is with us all the time. He welcomes anyone to connect with him, as long as you are willing to open your heart to receive it.

    Christianity is a relationship with a living God.

    ii) Walking with Jesus, what does that mean?
    Basically, the core believe in Christianity is that our God is alive and we live for His purpose. He has a plan for each and every single one of us, to make us prosper. But we have to walk with Him to allow Him to work through us. This is why it is unhealthy to be in a relationship with a non-christian (my attempt to relate this post back to the thread topic) We cherish our relationship with God more than our partner in life, unless you are a Christian and has the same purpose in life, it is very difficult to comprehend.

    God gave us the freedom of choice.. and He only judges our actions after we die on judgement day.. isn't that amazing? He never judges our actions while we are still alive with the chance to make a difference.
  14. Hustler

    Hustler Well-Known Member

    I don't care such matters . Religions are just some thing related to moralities and the other related stuff . I care humanity more than the religions .
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    okay man it's cool that you kinda realize the other side of the argument....pretty rare from what i've seen here... but gotta say....Easter, all i know about that, is bunnies and eggs...thats why we "celebrate" haha.... thats all i knew for a while until like high school or something lol...

    Also the idea of living for God's we don't have a purpose to live if we didn't live for God....that sounds sad, it's like we value life only because we think god has assign a role for us. so its pretty much like everyone's faith is already chosen for them or what. and since god only judges everyone's action during judgement day (death)....i do not think that is amazing lol, cause all yall basically god's slaves and workers. It's like your whole life your carrying the burden of a job that will support those in life that you actually can sense as a living being and also carrying the burden of working for something that can be considered "imaginary friend" lol I think life's already hard enough as it is yo... Oh yea I think everyone is pretty much given the freedom of choice, don't have to give the credit to god....all i know is when you dead, that freedom is pretty much gone, since you cannot decide where you place right... No choice there, if you done bad shit then your fucked haha....
  16. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    lol there is definitely more to Easter than just bunnies and easter eggs. Easter eggs and bunnies didn't give us a Good Friday or an Easter Sunday.. Just like, Santa was not the reason government has set 25th and 26th of December to be a public holiday. Do you agree?

    no no! everyone has a purpose in life - to do whatever they choose. I am not saying just becoz you are a non-believer, you are somewhat below me. it is definitely NOT like that!

    you and me are equal in every sense of the word.

    as a Christian, we believe that God is our Father Lord. Would you call yourself slave to your parents? I shall assume a no. Yes, our parents have expectations and plans for us. And yes, they do become disappointed if we can't fulfill their expectations and plans. But they will never stop loving us and caring for us, vice versa. Do you agree? Kind of the same concept with Christianity, I have a relationship with a Living God whom I call Father God. We communicate through prayers and He gives me thoughts and ideas.. what we call revelations.

    When i said the freedom of choice in christianity, i meant just that. I was trying to convey the idea that not all religion gives you the freedom of choice. That's why i credited God for it.

    Again, as Christian, yes we believe our life has been planned by God. However, whether we stick to it depends crucially on us (His followers), whether we continue to hold His hand as we walk through life, or we stray from Him for something else.

    To a believer, we love our assigned roles.. becoz we believe Jesus knew us before we were born. And the very reason we were born was to fulfill a part of His plan for Earth.

    Do i make sense? lol sorry if i typed too much.
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol proof that government is still very much mixed with christianity beliefs, which is not soo fair to other religions but it is pretty much impossible to accommodate every single religious holidays anyways lol.

    lol....your talking like any typical believer and i don't blame ya, at least your not that ignorant about other stuff, that i give credit to you. if you treat god as "parents" then its your thang lol...not gonna argue with you anymore, since god is like everything to you guys. I mean later i can say but parents are proven to "create" you cause of the reproduction method...and your gonna say, well god gave the ability for them to procreate and also god created our ancestors and stuff....then i would say, then who was jesus or his mama created by because you said god is our parents, aren't their parents more important or have a higher place than jesus. and you would probably say well, jesus was a miracle, and a certain explanation comes out of either nowhere....or the almighty........Bible.... hahaha....i'll just stop arguing now lol, that is unless somebody else say something completely ridiculous haha...
  18. alnk

    alnk Well-Known Member

    we have essays here....
    i'm christian, evangelist to be exact. league of the Protestants.
    the only thing that woudl affect my view on relationships is that i shan't become "bent" and need to keep straight _ _"
    not a hard thign to do in my opinion
    dont get homosexual tendancies. looool
  19. mwai007

    mwai007 Well-Known Member

    aight bro, nice talking with you!
  20. rNb99

    rNb99 Well-Known Member

    i think if you love someone you should respect his/her belief.