White and asians

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Wukung, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. realazyjai

    realazyjai Well-Known Member

    as long as its not those asian's seeking citizenship (asians dating elder ELDER male) , i don't seee any issues between asians dating whites .
  2. asiangrl

    asiangrl Member

    my parents think that whites and asians babies come out adorable and they think stereotypically that all whites are rich and they want me to marry one
  3. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    haha...each time i see an asian girl with a white guy,,,i think the girl is after a meal ticket to canada or us, -lol either that, they are hookers are something,,,,
  4. MunMun

    MunMun Well-Known Member

    its fine but not everyone can accept it
  5. lol you see a lot of young asian girls with an old white guy who is balding and cant get white women which is why many go to Thailand and places like that.

    seriously though the WORST ones are the asians who dont want to be asian and want to be with a white guy for that reason.

    but if you happen to be with a white or anyone else then its all good imo, i aint no racist :nono:
  6. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    In what generation are we now?? There shouldn't any problems with a white/asian relationship....
  7. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    this thread is getting so long and i believe that the majority have established that there is no problem in this current society with white and asians.
  8. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    There is A LOT OF PROBLEMS at the moment with Asian/White dating!!!!

    Notice how most couples are Asian girls + White guys but hardly the other way around? It's because of western media influence and we live in a white society where there are racists or stereotypes against Asian people.

    From reading everyone's post I think you all lack a lot of awareness about interracial relationships, you may be a victim of white media brainwash, social inequality and racist relationship can also be dictated for you.

    I hope you all have Face book because I would like to introduce to all of you this group 'Asian not brainwashed by Media'.

    Heres the link to the group thats discusses all the things wrong with media and western society and Interracial dating.

    Its really worth time reading about this because it's your future.
    #128 kenshi, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  9. Reifujin

    Reifujin Active Member

    Ehh, if you're accepting that there are a lot of asians and cacausians dating, then how can there be all this racism. =( You're a confusing dude.

    Everyone's brainwashed by media. How else do we communicate with one another.

    And it's a personal choice on who you date, who cares because it's not the other person who will have to live with their white/asian partner.
  10. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    Not to say all IR dating is wrong but when there is a dating disparity and when socio-econmic influences racial preference in dating then that can be damaging.

    Acceptance or assimilation into the white social structure needs to be looked at more closely. Dating is just the smaller problem of the larger issue. Media is not the problem, its the content of media that is the problem.

    Example just because some dates someone from a different race it does not mean that a person cannot be racist.

    There underlying problems in our society today that raises flags and these can be:

    "I can be self hating Chinese who also hate other Chinese people, love white males because I think Asian men are ugly and I want cosmetic surgery to make myself look more Caucasian or I date white men because I am upgrading to a higher society".

    "I can be a white male who date only Asian women because I hate my own women and I think Asian women are good because cook and clean for me but I hate Asians in general but the Asian women are exotic and make good sex partners".

    "Why is the white media always publishing stories about how bad China is and put Asian people down"

    "Why do westerners take a recent like '21' remove Asians casting from a true story about a group of Asian American MIT students (with 1 White female) and replace them with all white males and 1 asian guy (they were even thinking about all white guys and 1 asian girl) "

    "People walking up to you and think you can't speak English, know Kung fu, a Maths genuis, a geek, you have a small penis, asian women submissive or love white men as superior etc etc ask yourself where does all this spread through?".

    Racism still exist only that it has been masked and presented in the modern world as stereotypes.
    These are the social problems that still exist in today's society, we can't ignore it.

    The list goes on but you can read about it when you join this group and decide for yourself. We welcome discussions, constructive opinions and challenges on these issues. We aim at raising awareness amongst the Asian community.
    #130 kenshi, Apr 2, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  11. keljai

    keljai Member

    u know guys it doesn't reall ymatter this age of day who dating who. I even seen brown with white. no diff
  12. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    Where we live for cross ethnic relationship:-

    White Guy + Asian Lady 99 % ; Asian Guy + White Lady , 1%
    Handsome white guy+ Ugly Asian lady 85%; Handsome asian guy + ugly white lady 1%; others 16%
    White guy good ethics + loud mouth asian ladies 80%; White guy bad ethics + asian lady good ethics , 20%
    Casual white guy + money grabbing asian lady loaded with branded logo goods 99%; money grabbing white guy full of branded logo goods + asian lady with plain clothing 1%
  13. Raymond_Cheung

    Raymond_Cheung Well-Known Member

    How do you get these figures? What is your source? I don't think this is true. At least not in my environment. I know enough male Chinese friends dating with white girls. Maybe it is true that the percentage of chinese female dating with white male is a (litte) bit higher than chinese male dating with white female but I dont think it is that high. I estimate the percentage at 55/45.
  14. Morgaine

    Morgaine Well-Known Member

    I don't understand where this socio-economics influences racial preference comes from. I'm a Chinese Canadian and yes, I'm dating a Caucasian. My sister, though, prefers only Asians. She only finds Asians attractive. Coming from the same family, we're two completely opposite people. I don't think these social-economics that you're talking about affects dating as much as you believe it does.

    Stereotypes exist because there is some truth in them. And pointing out those truths doesn't make it racism. Racism is discriminating someone based on those stereotypes. My friends and I are all colored and we revel in the stereotypes. It's what makes us unique as a culture. What's wrong with that?

    And yes, of course there are still problems, but the majority of people are aware of those and we're all working towards being more culturally accepting.

    Raising awareness about what? Racism? No offense, but it sounds like you're more interested in perpetuating the differences than you are about integration and acceptance. Oh, and by the way, there's a difference between accepting other cultures and being "brain-washed by the white media", as you put it.
  15. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i really dont see any big deal here. my girl is cherokee indian. When i went back to NEW york like 6 months ago wit her and visit my family, my relatives were like, wtf....behind my back... i fuking hate the chinese way of things...not saying all chinese r like that.....but my relatives r a pain in the ass.

    i couldnt agree more. But this dude al sharpton is getting in my nerve. he act like blacks r all righteous. i meant, he cant blame anyone but his own people for doing wat they're doing. instead of telling other peoples to stop fuking killing his people and or steroetypical, y dont he encourage his people to stop wat they're doing and follow the right path.

    i meant look, half the prisons here are full of niggas, than krackas, spinks, chinks/gooks, etc, etc....and america has only 30-35 percent niggas.

    but really, this guy really pisses me off. He pops outta nowhere when one of his people die. And when his people murder other people, he vanishes, like a ghost.

    yea....i had a long history wit blacks back in NY. im not racist........ technically. i couldnt be racist if i got some homies back in NY. i only hate this dude.

    dam....am i getting too mean? lol. my fault if i am.
  16. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i reckon that surplusletterbox does have some truth to his statement though i think the percentages are exagerated, it is true that white guys seem to be more open than white girls to other races but i wonder why.
  17. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Personally for me, I don't really care.
    Though for my parents, that's a different story. They don't even like fellow Chinese people... especially the ones from mainland China.
    They would kill me if I dated an Indian or African American...
  18. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    wow, this is starting to become like that other thread with that freakin crazy asian-whats-its-face guy, if anyone remembers. lol.
    i cant believe i still remember that fool....ah well...

    well...my opinion still stands firm as i started, its all about da love.
  19. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    who would they want u to date then, just whites?
  20. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........


    White Guy + Asian Lady 99 % ; Asian Guy + White Lady , 1% = true
    Handsome white guy+ Ugly Asian lady 85%; Handsome asian guy + ugly white lady 1% = not true (the other way around bro)
    White guy good ethics + loud mouth asian ladies 80%; White guy bad ethics + asian lady good ethics , 20%
    Casual white guy + money grabbing asian lady loaded with branded logo goods 99%
    = 100% agree
    money grabbing white guy full of branded logo goods + asian lady with plain clothing 1% = agree.

    But based on this info, y's that?

    i had this asian home girl who is use to be very kool and nice. But ever since she's dating a non-asian dude, she turn cocky.

    to me, i think asian girls who go out wit a non-asian dude, they tends to be cocky......is it jsut me or some of u feels the same?