Should I?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by ChaosMag3, Apr 5, 2008.

  1. ChaosMag3

    ChaosMag3 Active Member

    Uh, I asked this girl out when I didn't know her that well. So, she said that she doesn't know me well, and that she doesn't think I know her that well either.

    and I kind of don't want to give up this soon. Should I get to know her better and try again?
  2. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    yeah why not, no harm if you don't.
  3. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    you should definitely get to know her better first. you should decide if you want to ask her out after you get to know her. and if you do, she won't be as hesitant to give you an answer if you ask her again
  4. whiteskwirl

    whiteskwirl Member

    What better way to get to know her than to go out with her? It's not like you proposed to her.
  5. auta

    auta Well-Known Member

    lol, ask her out to hang instead of asking her in the way of a boyfriend/girlfriend way >.>
  6. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    go for it. i'm doing the same thing.
  7. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    I argee that you should get to know her better first. Then try to ask her again.
  8. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    Hey if u think shes worth it, then yeah go for it, no harm if u get to knw her better
  9. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    Yeah, get to know her better and let her know you better. Also... when a girl says "I don't know you very well" and that kind of things, it's a way to say she's not interested in you in a nice way. >_>; But taken that she doesn't know you.... it was kinda predictable :/
  10. inahss

    inahss Member

    well theres a difference between asking someone out and asking that person to be your gf/bf. dating serves as a chance for u to get to know each other better, no?

    well.. i suppose you can do this:
    at least you put out there that you're interested. all you both gotta do is to spend more time together and always keep in touch [talk on phone?]. hopefully she too is interested enough to actually keep an open mind and heart.

    gL! =D
  11. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    yea why not?

    if you give up so easily, she's obviously not that special to you

    but a different question, why are you asking her out int he first place if you dont know her that well?
    is it because she's pretty?
  12. usually that is how all teenage relationship starts... lol go out to get to know each other, it would be better if you had more of a grasp on what she's like before you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar lol
  13. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    "sorry if that was too sudden, my mouth was speaking on it's own. i actually wanted to say you're beautiful... how bout we go out for coffee(quickly's for u kids) and talk a bit"
  14. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    well, if you think she's worth it keep trying. but in all honesty i used to tell guys that we didnt know each other well enough as the easy rejection way
  15. hunter627

    hunter627 Active Member

    umm isn't that a reason to stay since you dont know them well you should be trying to get to know her better and share shit till one of you find something you dont like or something that just doesn't match up with each other. go get to know her more if not then just stick to sex if it's that simple for oyu
  16. be water my friend...

    hah... babs breakin' so many hearts back in the day..

  17. sharpie

    sharpie Well-Known Member

    dude, did you build attraction through eye contact and physical touch before you asked her out? plus asking her out sounds needy. no one wants something they already have.

    long story short, YOU SHOULD NOT. don't bother, she had no interest in you from the start. the point of going out was to getting to know each other. move on. even if she comes running to you, tell her she had her chance.
  18. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    i 2nd this!

  19. Afa

    Afa Well-Known Member

    from my assumption.. ur attracted to this chick cause shes hot or something right...
    cause u dunno know her well, she doesnt know u well... therefore there wasnt a relationship to build up from

    therefore no chance unless u get to know each other first....
    but.. after u alrdy asked.. its pretty much hard to get bak to the 'get to know ya' field...

    so i think u lost ur chance... maybe try again later... alot later
    until she stops checking her radar for u
  20. burnburn

    burnburn Well-Known Member

    always takes time to get to know people. no worries if u fail.
    just lurk... lurk around