if you dont want someone to look through your stuff dont leave it out in the open!! if it's there i would look. i totally trust my husband but there are times when i think he is acting strange or being a bit too nice so i go through his email and text messages. he doesnt know and if i can get my peace of mind why not. if i find something that isnt good at least i know and can handle the situation accordingly. of course you should not get mad over things from the past cause the past is the past!!!!
i wouldn't snoop, just ask them what it is. besides a relationship is about trust though tbh once u have reached a deep and intimate relationship, i wouldn't rele mind if the person snooped as i would have nothing to hide. secrets always come out anyway.
I would snoop, but it wouldn't be called snooping if you dont have secrets for each other......>.< But anyways, everybody has secrets, and all you have to do is keep them/or whatever at a safe spot.... I think it's rude to search trough anyone's stuff without permission It wouldn't be a problem if it's laying on a table, since it is inviting you to read it -unsure
oh that's so cute of her, not to let you throw away your memories even if she didn't like them I do admit, sometimes snooping can let you see things that will make you sad but it can also releave what your partner is really thinking or if the special things he does for you is really what he thought up for your, or if he's just reusing a trick
Whoaa!! The polls aren't very healthy man, I thought most guys wouldn't and the snoopers were usually the females. If you want to let them know that you know they're snooping just leave post it notes!!