Title: CJ7 Release: 31 January 2008 Genre: Science Fiction / Comedy Director: Stephen Chow Producer: Stephen Chow Casts: Stephen Chow.....Astronaut Kitty Zhang.........Teacher Lam Chi Chung...Construction Contractor Yuen Qui Tin Kai Man Synopsis (1): Three years ago, Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle hit the highest box office in Hong Kong history and had the highest foreign box office in North America for the year 2005, and now, Stephen Chow is back with his upcoming movie CJ7 (Previously known as A Hope). Directed, written, produced and starring by Stephen Chow, CJ7 is a $12.5-20 million US film and will be heavy on CG effects. CJ7 is about a fired construction worker (Stephen Chow) who takes in a homeless boy but is unable to afford buying any toys for him. He finds one at a garage, but the toy turns out to be an alien device... Synopsis (2) A comedy about a poor laborer father (Stephen Chow) and his young son. When a fascinating and strange new pet enters their lives, they learn a poignant lesson about the true nature of family and the things money can't buy. Trailer: [youtube]AUBbIq3dX4g[/youtube]
Haven't seen it yet, anyone seen it then? Any good? It's been a long time since sing yeh haven't been pak hei.
i haven't seen it but i heard that it did rele well on the box office. i wonder if this is actually as gd as all the hype its been given. what would u ppl rate this movie out of 10?
hmmm, could anyone tell me the ending, my Downloaded movie just stopped at when the rush of 七仔‘sgot dropped off and 小狄 blah blah , lol
It has a good ending of course... I would rate it about 6.5/10. Compared to Kungfu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer, this one lacks a little 'oomph'. Nevertheless, it's a movie meant more for kids to enjoy. So, if you have little nieces/nephews/children, they should love it.
wow where can i get this movie is it for sale yet i wanna buy it and add to my collection of stephen chow movies hes the best
Finally seen it, very funny movie. hehehes. like when 七仔‘was making funny expression. hahahahas* And those shoes. lmao. xD. Good movie!
This movie is awesome, has one of the best storyline, not as much action or comedic factor as his other ones, but still gives you chuckles throughout the film
i wouldn't say this movie is only meant for little kids, instead it's fun for all ages and also stephen chow sorta has a message in it. I find it to be pretty much fitting in what type of animation even adults would like to see and not find it too "childish." And i don't think it could be really compared to those two movies as it's pretty much a different genre sorta. Even though they all use special effect. Overall like i said in the other thread, i thought this was a pretty good chinese flick.
the kid's a chick! well after half way the movie felt too predictable.. which let me down abit... in the end it didnt feel too unique.... like not original... but yeh... i got some more complaints but ill leave it since some ppl havnt seen it yet
lol, yehh... predictable.. ahh yeh i know... was it just the voice though... or the kid? lol. that's nadd!
well ur not exactly an adult now, it should work for u. i dunno, haven't seen the movie, might check it out sometime.
i tot one can learn some life lesson from this movie, but i was kind of disappointed. It looks as though the movie is targeted at the young for some comedy.
haven't really have a chance to see this but according to the reviews it not as good as his other films.
this movie is funny it's not a tipical movie that stephen makes but it's good. this movie is more for kids and young people to think about many different topics about life like satatus, values, responsabilities with home and schooll.... not for laugh like before in his movies.