nope sorry.. you can't really buy XP anymore.. all computers comes with vista.. you can ask the manufacture to give you the disc once you buy their computer... they'll probably send you a copy of window xp for that computer when you buy it if you ask.. I'm pretty sure HP and Dell does it... or.. you can just go download/torrent a window xp copy..
order it online and configure with xp or if in stores, usually lenovo brands, like the thinkpad still carry windows xp professional...
vista is ok, its not that bad, but yea best way is to just buy the comp and reinstall with xp. but u need to get all the drivers if they aren't on the windows os.
Dells are good esp when considering getting a good machine for your money. I believe you can also request Windows XP.
ye i think so too, cos like my school got some new dell comps that came with vista, but they had an xp disc and installed the systems with xp.
drsnoopy i forgot to add with the licensing that Micro$oft does you can purchase the vista business edition and request them to give you a copy of xp to install on the system
"microsoft is attempting to kill of XP support to try and get more ppl to vista. at the same time, a new OS is in the works and a code name is already out " at least this is what one of my friend whose sister works at microsoft
lol man picky... anyways have to add for's like the dell vostros and latitude lines have xp....also they are business oriented computers and usually not too powerful ( i think that's why they give you the option). If you want a powerful gaming laptop i guess your stuck with vista though..
I think you would have to get someone to build a comp as most branded desktop makers install Vista on it
no u can just ask them to provide u with xp on the comp with some manufactures as rth sed and i think u just have to install that onto ur comp urself.