i agree with this, the VIP's worked hard to get their big avy's, but any noob can post a massive sig that takes like two pages of scrolling. i think a sig the size of my comic is probably the max that should be allowed -cool2
how bout this....limit sigs size of non-vip....and not limit sig of vips.....so theres one more reason to get that vip status haha... the non-vips shouldn't have the freedom for their sigs
whatever you guys decide, i just think that a signature is basically something along the lines of khaotic's rectangle fox thingy, or even nas' green thing.... but yea.. i guess anything equal or smaller than fearless' comic would be easier on the eyes, and cleaner.. people would be free to have their own similar sigs.... a tag type of thing..
Yeah...we need that sig limit now...anytime soon there would be a 1280x1024 sig there with caption saying "This is my wallpaper "
Question: Is there some way to show only threads with new posts? Instead of having to go inside every subforum to check?
At the top wher it says 'Quick Links' a drop down list appear then click on 'New Posts'. Should show all new posts since you last vistsed.
write some code to organize members by location, then make a tabbed page showing the location of members worldwide in some sort of graph or chart. i think that alot of people, me included, would love to know where most PA people come from.
My suggestion is for the DL section, whereby the modern & ancient series are subforums of "Chinese TV shows". Rather than this inconvenient setup where game shows mix with modern drama, how about re-organising as "Chinese drama", "Chinese infotainment shows", "Pay-TV shows" as 3 separate forums? This allows better searching & wayfinding.
mm i noticed this ever since the new layout was released, aside for the forum tab, does anyone actually use the rest of the tab? like editor's blog, news, reviews on tv/drama/movies, i think that if u get some volunteers to put up or find and link some source to some reviews, it'll really help expand the site in terms of more people who are interested in asian-related topics will be attacted here xD aka more speed growth in PA... ill volunteer but xD i've been busy
i suggest that the picture host...zoints or whatever for the profile should be fixed, i dunno if that affects the background pic too though...and probably the music player thing also but Just want the pic thing to be fixed lol.
LOL I brought that up to knoc I think 2 months ago and he sent it to shin and/or ang. As you can tell, Zoints is still messed up :(
not sure if anyone said this yet... but how about a game section not where you talk about games... but to share and download them =]
what happened to the 'Super Movie Cinema Nights' section... ? and most.... well all off the movies there, links are dead. lol. :/ maybe the mods should do some cleaning up...